I was talking the other day with a friend of mine about the correlation between Depression and intelligence. He was saying that he doesn't think of himself as being depressed so much as being observant and looking at the world around us. I couldn't agree more, and as evidence, I offer the following infuriating link:
Supreme court rejects lethal injection Contained within this article is the crystalline moment where Scalia, while acknowleding that the current cocktail of drugs used for lethal injections is excrutiating (and not used on animals because of it's inhumane nature), uttered the following: "Where does this come from that you must find the method of execution that causes the least pain?" Um, that whole "no cruel or unusual punishment" thing? Perhaps you recall hearing about this somewhere...
To possibly side-step any arguements, I want to make clear that I think this has ZERO to do with capital punishment as a larger issue. It has everything to do with obeying the rules (something courts and lawyers supposedly know something about) and not seeing the eight hundred pound gorilla that is punching you in the face.