I am thankful for --
- weizhijun. Starting to talk to her more really turned into one of the greatest things that happened to me this year. She's so understanding and way, way too much like me, I'm not really sure what I would do without her right now. I'm not letting her go for a long while. I hope you're ready to deal with me forever, Jac! You're wonderful, and everyone else who say otherwise has no idea what they're missing, seriously. I will always be here for you, no matter what it may be -- whether for (horrible) advice, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to fan girl with. Just remember that! ♥
- My flist, for putting up with my ridiculous emo entries and being there for wonderful advice when I need it.
- SMT: Imagine Online and all the distractions it can offer when I'm not feeling so great.
- Being away from Florida, and probably already buying a house (they're throwing contracts back and forth) that I actually really like. The kitchen is so pretty! The rooms are actually painted amazing colors, instead of being horribly drab! Best of all, Jack and Peanut will finally get a backyard again.
- Stuffing. :9
- Deal or No Deal. I AM ADDICTED, OKAY.
I hope everyone has a good day, whether they are from the United States or not.
Back to expertise training and dying over terrible choices on this show.