me again

Aug 13, 2006 23:04

I feel like it's been forever since I posted....and yet, I don't know that I have much to post about.  This weekend was nice - out of the ordinary, in that I actually left the apartment and interacted with people...friends, even!  Friday night, Lori, Tim, Paul & I went to Champps, then to Nate's house to hang out & visit.  It was wonderful to see him - good time hanging out.  Found out, yet again, that alcohol is still a nono.  Had a sip of Lori's beer, and my lip started tingling, so I didn't even try any more.  Have a few fun pictures from the night...a good majority are Tim's drunken ones on his digital camera.  **Side note - Tim, I'm very proud of you for not drunk dialing either Lori or I after we left!!**  Saturday, drove down to Macedonia and had lunch with Pookie, Ken, Steph, Liz, Scottie, and Scottie's mom.  Had lots of fun laughing with them - it was interesting to hear them talking about moving back to school and who was bringing what for the's been a LONG time since I've had to worry about that.

The lake turned this weekend - dead things & algae that have been on the bottom came up to the top, making the 5 mile radius around the lake smell like death warmed over.  An example....take the smell of dead fish from a lake (and if you don't know what that is, you need to spend more time near the water!!!), and imagine that being put into an oven for 4 hours.  It was NASTY.  Poor Lori thought it was the apartment that smelled, so was cleaning on needed it anyway! :-)

Still no word on the 'where is Karen going to live after October' took a back burner for a bit - which I suppose isn't a good thing.  It's just not fun realizing how little money I really have - and yet, my head is not cooperating for me to be back full it's a catch22 really.  We shall see....

I guess that's about it.....starting back at the gym tomorrow - I took a few weeks off to let my shoulder heal without fear of infection.  (I had a mole removed - they scooped it out, so I've been watching the various layers of skin grow back - kinda interesting, in a science geek type of way).  Other than that, life is the same here in good ol' Cleveland.
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