Aug 31, 2004 04:44
So yea I would just like to say that my family rawks..minus a few unnamed ppl. I mean without your family what exactly are you? I may bitch and moan sometimes about them but really do you blame me sometimes, I mean its all out of <3. Anyways today was pretty uneventfull. Woke up rather later, returned something at work.... walked the dogs around zephyr park...thats about it...
On a very way cooler note. Myself and a bunch of others from work are participating in The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Race For The Cure (presented by Yoplait) wow...i always thought it was yoflait hehe..neways It's on October 3rd, 2004 in City Park. If you would like to donate you can contact me using the lj info. OR if you would like to participate in it as well you can contact me and I will get you a registration booklet.
P.S. My cousin got me sick :(