sounds like "free-rider" accusations, but...

Nov 28, 2006 18:03

An interesting perspective on yesterday's election in Ecuador from the perspective of one of its citizens:

(from PostGlobal)
Berry, Ecuador
Winners: The radical left just won the presidential election here on a campaign of fear against capitalism, free markets, and american imperialism. Entrenched, corrupt public unions are celebrating.
Losers: The business community, advocates of free trade, internationally-minded people. And, in this country where the poor are a vast majority (unemployed, uninsured, who survive on informal jobs), they are likely to get more government subsidies and less likely to get real jobs.

sounds like the problem with the "radical left" policies in Ecuador are that the social welfare programs don't incorporate incentives to get jobs. Is this an inherent flaw in socialist policies? Or perhaps a common tendency when socialist policies are implemented? Or is this just an example of one person who has a distorted view of what the lower economic classes are actually going through in his country?

news, political, international

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