Hello, everyone~
I'm here to (I know, I know...) pimp out my Weiss Kreuz messageboard RPG
Dead Ringer. We're looking for LITERATE ROLEPLAYERS to take on the roles of Crawford, Yohji, and/or Tot. It is very important that the Crawford player in particular be active, for the sake of plot purposes. If you will not be able to post at least once a week (twice a week or more would be ideal), please do not apply as Crawford.
Condensed Version: Kritiker wants Schwarz and Schreient to join them so they have all the manpower they can get when Estet's followers decide to get a little payback or try and take over the world again.
Though the three leaders of Estet, also known as SS, were killed at the end of [the anime series], there is still unrest in the branches of Estet that were left.
Wanting to destroy their leaders' murderers, several Estet members have spread to all corners of Japan to find them. However, they have not yet made a move, and Weiss and Kritiker remain ignorant of their plans that may soon be put into motion.
They remain as they were before -- mere assassins, with no true motive.
Similarly, Schwarz and Schreient have no agenda -- hidden or otherwise -- either.
However, Kritiker has not overlooked the action Schwarz took throughout the battle against Estet and the Takatoris, or the levels of skill the remaining Schreient member displayed, and admire their talent. Kritiker has assumed that, even though Estet is quiet, they are merely sleeping and not dead, and hope to bring Schwarz and Schreient (with new memebrs) into the ranks of Kritiker assassins before Estet decides to wake.
We're looking for LITERATE ROLEPLAYERS who can play Crawford, Yohji, or Tot. It is a roleplay based only on the original anime series, meaning no manga, no dramas, no Gluhen, side B, etc.
So if you're interested, please apply.
Click the banner to go to the messageboard. :D
Join Dead Ringer Thank you~
X-posted lots.