(no subject)

Aug 30, 2006 14:41

Who: Wolfram/Schuldig
What: They met for the first time
When: Aug 21 at the dormroom
Rating: R

This world sucked. He did not deserve to be transported into this strange new dimension. That was Yuuri's job. And what was with that weird old lady who greeted him? Did she not know who he was!? ...and did she have any teeth? So, he could either sit there and whine about why this situation sucked(which was also Yuuri, his fiancee's, job) or he could go find whoever was doing this and make them send him back. Obviously whoever was behind this had no idea who they were dealing with, no doubt a stupid human who stumbled upon more magic than his brain could handle.

Wolfram stopped at the door they had assigned him. What was this about a roommate? And school? He was 82 first of all, and had done all of his schooling way before now. And secondly he was Wolfram von Bielefeld, and did not room with anyone(besides his fiancee), much less a mortal commoner. And he would not do it quietly.*

Schuldig opened his door, pulling his green coat on and sliding his keys in the pocket. He kept thinking of Hisoka and how he hated everything that the emotions pulling out of Wolfram missed him. Stepping forward he bumped into someone and before pulling back, narrowed his eyes and glared.

“Get out of my fucking way!”

Wolfram stood talk and glared up at what seemed to be a very human and very common looking commoner--which was before Schuldig even opened his mouth.His colorful use of langege was a dead giveway. And he had the guts to bump into him? Did his gloriousness not shine through? He was meant to be walked around and bowed too, not bumped into. No one bumped into him.

You're in my space. Move, or I will move you myself. " But the he'd get his hands dirty. He could always use the butt of his sword, if this human wasnt too stupid to get the message.

He laughed at the arrogance and pushed harder into the blonde. “Why would I bow down to you? You’re short, small, and have mouth that will get you in trouble.”

His mind leaped forward and he dug into the other’s mind, surface touching surface and laughed inside his head.

‘You are a human…”

How dare that human degrade him so. Him? A human? Wolfram stood tall, dressed in his regular blue, sword by his side. This one was trouble.

"I will have you know, that I am a Mazoku, Wolfram von Bielefeld, and seem to be of much better breeding than you, who are arrogant, stupid and have the upraising of a mule. And however you read my thoughts, those were private. Keep out. Now, take me to your leader."

“I am the leader.”

Schuldig was tired, worried and not willing to deal with this boy.

“I’m the devil, the one you should run from. And my breeding has nothing to do with me, Bielefeld.”

He reached further in and hit the memory of Wolfram getting his room assigned, and froze.

“You are living with me. End of story. Now tell that lady I will kill you if I have to.”

"You will not kill me! I will kill you! Do you hear me?! I am not living with you, nor anyone else for that matter. I want a room befitting my station, I want respect, and I want my fiancee! You never know when the wimp might run off and cheat on me. I only will room with him. You will just have to make arrangements to room with someone else. This simply won’t do. "

This human was insolent and he did not want to deal with him. He wanted answers, why was he here, why did he have to go to school to learn things only humans would want to learn, and why did he have to room with a human thug?

And you are not the leader. No one with a brain larger than a pea would ever give you a position of power. You're just a worthless human thug.

Schuldig ignored his rant and leaned in, kissing the bright lips of this…demon. Well that explained a lot. He kissed him hard, fast, and with teeth, silencing the blonde for a moment.

“We aren’t in your world any more or mine or anyone else’s’. This is a place between dimensions and it has a school. No one cares about your ranking and I will not leave this room. Its mine and has my scent all over it demon.”

He pulled back and smirked, his eyes dancing with humor and death. “You like killing?” he asked.

The human kissed him. Despite the fact that this person was obviously a deranged human psychopath, Wolfram still found himself kissing back. Just because the man was already kissing him.

"I don't intend to go to school! I don't need to. I've already done that and learned much more than this school could ever teach me. Very well. Point me in the direction of the one in charge and I will settle the matter myself. I do not intend to stay long. And I do intend to have my own room."

That was a loaded question. He would enjoy killing Schuldig....He was incredibly annoying and very much in his way.

The thought of killing him was drifting in the air, and Schuldig could still taste the demon on his lips.

“I want a way out too and I’ve been here for a while. I may not be you but I have connections no one knows about and they still haven’t come through. Just go back to the woman and ask for another room.”

He paused, shook his head and then laughed out loud bitter and angry. “She says no. I need to learn people skills.” He mumbled, eyes locking with emerald. Why hadn’t he noticed that before?

Wolfram was gorgeous. “They are sending a bed down now.”

"I absolutely refuse! You will sleep out in the hallway. " If Wolfram was a cat, all his hair would be standing on end. Thing's were not going his way. He was going into hissy fit mode. Wolfram hissed, practically ready to hurl himself at the red haired man. The bishonen raised his hand to the ceiling.

"All being that make up the element of fire; obey this brave Mazoku who summons you!" The result was not what the prince had expected. Instead of a ranging firey lion, he got a flame the size of a small bird. It wasnt exactly threatening.


The fire came to life and Schuldig stepped back and sighed. “Pyros. Should have known. Can you keep that under control or do I need to fire proof the room?”

Turning he walked back into his room and shut the door in Wolfram’s face, stepped to his bed, falling over to lie. Was this what he was like to Crawford? An annoying boy who throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way?

No he was smoother than that.

"Hey! Come back here! We weren't done yet. Come back out here and fight me! You can't just walk away from a fight! And you can't keep me out of my room! Come out and give me my room! "

Damnit, if Wolfram had to slice the door open with his sword, he'd do it. He did not loose, especially to that annoying human commoner. And then it hit him. The human had kissed him. He had human cooties.

"COME BACK OUT HERE RIGHT NOW! I'M ALL FILTHY BECAUSE OF YOU!...oh i need to go brush my teeth..."

Schuldig ignored him and waited as the men came down with a bed, passing the spitting demon and opening the door, which wasn’t locked and stepped in, two at a time setting the room up.

They put the frame up, set the box springs and bed then threw rough cotton sheets on it, turning to leave. Schuldig just closed his eyes and drifted in his mind, going over Hisoka and his memories.

His own bed was soft, with silky sheets and comforter he had purchased, and a glossy wood.

"Hey! You two come back here! I demand an actual bed! What is this cheap fake? And these sheets, completely unacceptable! You don't actually expect me to sleep in those do you? Hey! Answer me when I'm talking to you! This whole arrangement is unacceptable. I have to share a room, and I get cotton sheets on a crappy mattress on a creaky bed frame!" Wolfram turned to Schuldig." Get up. Now. I'm taking you're bed. You sleep in this one."

He missed Yuri, he missed their big king sized bed, and sheets and silk coverings that blotted all light out.

He broke at that, shooting up, furious beyond words and stood eyes dark blue and face a cold mask of death. Slowly he stalked over, body relaxed, as he watched the demon. It took moments to grab the blonde and he held on, digging in to flesh, ripping skin and drawing blood.

“I am not here to serve you.”

His mind ripped through his roommate, leaving holes and pain as he went on to the core. He cut each memory he could find, leaving memories of the horrors of Rosencrez. Images of rapes, beatings and killing friends took their place and by the time he was done, sweat dripped from him.

“Get out.”

Wolfram struggled to get free, grabbing the hilt of his un-sheathed sword and shoving it up into Schuldig's stomach. He was a soldier, and had seen his fair share of horrors. He wasnt Konrad, his brother, who had survived the horrors of Rutenberg, earning himself the name of the Rutenberg Patriot, but he had killed.

"You're sick. I have no intention of rooming with you, or ever seeing you again. Human.” Wolfram slapped Schuldig’s hands away haughtily. "You're an immoral beast, probably just like you're mother. Breeding.

Blood dripped from his gut and Schuldig laughed, clutching his wound. This mind ripping was costing him already. A migraine sprang and he hissed before falling to one knee and closing his eyes. He needed his gun. Thinking hard he heard a click and froze, as something fell by his feet. Slowly looking he found his gun, black, gleaming and loaded in front of him. Well holy shit. He was Houdini.

He leaped and grabbed it, not bothering to think about it and sledded as he turned, pointed the gun, and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Wolfram’s shoulder.

“Now that we have shown we can hurt each other lets do this over. I’m Schuldig.”

Wolf looked up. His shoulder hurt. That stupid human had shot him! Now he was filled with filthy human bullets that the stupid man with the red hair had shot him with. Who he refused to call by his name, stupid people didn’t get names. Wolfram slapped away Schuldig's hand, looking to the side, ignoring him.

"Humph. I don't touch humans. And I'm taking your bed. Since you shot me."

“Fine.” He said grinning as he slowly stood up. “I hope you enjoy snuggling.”

If Schuldig couldn’t fight his way to the bed he would share…for a price. Wolfram may think he won but Schuldig was consistent and able to fuck people over.

“Come on, dick head. Let’s see a medic.”

“Don't call me names!" Only his mother was allowed to call him names like Wolfy and dick head. And only in private. It was so degrading. But his mother was generally quite flamboyant and could be very degrading in her actions. But to Wolfram, such things were normal. Like your mother asking her youngest son to pick out what suitor he liked best for mommy's date and hot sex session tonight. There was nothing like having a mother who was so....open...about her sex life. And those of her boys.

"Only if we get a Queen sized bed. I refuse to sleep in a single bed with you. "

Schuldig raised an eye brow and nodded, “You have to put in half for the bedding.”

Holding out his head he offered some support. “Medic then lunch then bed.”
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