Farewell Jim Posante

Jan 14, 2008 17:25

Jim Posante, my school's theatre director, passed away this morning at 8:30am. He had a critical stroke yesterday morning and got rushed to the hospital. Over two hundred students, faculty, alumni, and friends visited him yesterday as he faded in and out of response. The doctors didn't expect him to live past this weekend. He passed away this morning. I managed to rush to the hospital early in the afternoon just as they were preparing him for organ donation.

I have known Jim for five years though it feels like longer. We've shared hundreds of moments stressing out over productions, yelling at crew and cast members, building sets, and just breathing the theatre space. He's always joked that he's someday going to get a mattress in either the prop or costume room for the people like us who practically sleep at school and never leave. He's also been a huge participant in the school's GSA and was one of the greatest gay men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He taught cast members in the spring musical how to dance everything from waltz to tap to ballroom to everything. He was brilliant in the theatre in creating and designing sets, then painting textures and designs on them in record time. He was no taller than I was yet we both had our fair share of sarcastic remarks year after year.

It's hard to believe he's gone. I don't know how much of the community is going to feel for the upcoming weeks as we try to get over the fact that he's no longer going to be sitting in his office every day people walk by. I know there are going to be several memorial services commemorating what a wonderful teacher, mentor, and friend he was to all of us. Maybe I'll drop everything this spring so I can participate in the spring musical as one last chance to do theatre work before I graduate. Maybe we can find something to name after him so he will be forever remembered.

We'll miss you Jim. We hope you will rest in peace.


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