OMG Who!
Donna! Rose! And they were all dead, the Doctor, Martha, Sarah-Jane, Ianto, Gwen, Yana, and the Titanic, and Atmos, and the Adiposes and who did blow up Pompeii then? Someone did, they're not fire/stone people and I loved the used of Bad Wolf as codename.
And was it me or their new house was the one Martha hid in The Last of The Time Lords?
Can I hope that that was Donna's death and now something else will happen? Something where she stay alive and can come back?
Rose was so adult, and skilled! I kept waiting Donna to use the young girl when describing them, not the woman, but it's true, Rose is not the same person who left the Doctor. But stole the 'I'm sorry, so sorry.'
And how he was, when Donna talked about her, when she said she was blonde, how scared and hopeful, and probably thinking 'helllo, parallel universe travel is bad! Why would she do that? Is it bad news, or is it bad news?'
And the trailer! Torchwood, and Martha, and Sarah-Jane, and okay, I was guessing the guest stars, but I avoided the spoilers and how happy I am for it. Still avoiding them, by the way, don't spoil me.
Of course, they couldn't resist to use the Daleks again. Will be them attacking the Hub? Jack reliving his first death?
In conclusion? I loooooved this episode.