NCIS 9x3 Penelope's Papers.

Dec 13, 2011 12:38

The day Tony met the family.

Pretty trees!!

I can't keep lying to my wife. It's killing me. We need to end this.

… They couldn't resist it, right?

Aww poor Timmy.

Yeah, but McGee's old man is a legend, right? Called him the Great Santini.
Wait a minute. He's a magician? I thought he was a Navy admiral.
The movie, Ziva-- The Great Santini, starring the great Robert Duvall who played the ruthless military pilot and brutal family man Bull Meechum.

That's his 'oh no, does he have to come here and touch me? It bothers me' face. I know, it's perfectly obvious, but …

Please don't.
There's those that's got 'em, and those that don't. Gonads, son! Big brass ones!
And there it is.

I love how McGee is all 'ohoh, incoming movie imitation'.

Kind of makes sense that you'd end up working for Gibbs, McMeechum.
There are similarities.
He's got big, brass ones. They're like bowling balls.
That is disgusting.
I'm talking about tough love tactics, Tony.

Also, why are you talking about Gibbs' balls?

The veneer of impenetrability. His skill at turning one word into a rallying cry.
Gear up.
Guess that's two words, isn't it?
Something funny, DiNozzo?
No, Boss.

Nah, he just loves trying to make McGee laugh and play his games, and he just won this round.

He was just enjoying a beautiful fall morning. The sun is out, the birds are chirping. All is right with the world and... and then, out of nowhere, bam. Lights out. Kind of poetic, if you ask me. I... But you did not ask me, and I apologize.

Oh Jimmy, never change. It's going to be your thing when you'll take Ducky's place, and this time, the new, younger agents will not dare stopping you just like they let Ducky ramble.

Hrm, Timmy? Wanna explain why another man has your card?

Matte-white card stock with clean border and seven-point Helvetica font. Oh, my God.

You have no idea how I laughed at this line. It's the seven-point Helvetica font. It's just so…McGee. Not what he used, but that he remember exactly the font he used then. Also the idea that his new cards have a different font. I bet he's the kind to complain when someone use Comic Sans.


What should I do?
Just give her what she wants.
I have no idea what that is.
Welcome to the rest of your life, Jim-Boy.

Poor Jimmy. Please, don't use Gibbs as example, okay?

McGee. Hey, stop!
Boss, I can't right now, I'm sorry.

I love how he's in mode 'not giving a damn of who you are' the second his family is involved. Nobody scares him then, and it's fun how he answer to Gibbs, like he's physically unable to do anything else than protecting his family.

And Gibbs is all 'okay, fine, when he's like that, what can I do?' and send Tony after him. Did he arrive to the lift before the door opened or did McGee wait for him?

She's your what? And you never told me?
What, do I have to tell you everything?
Yes, you do.

Sweetheart, how come the long face? Have you not been eating those wheatgrass honey squares I sent? I told you, they flush out all the toxins. And you must be Tony DiNozzo. I have heard so much about you. Well, it's a pleasure.

Oh God, Tony is so happy to meet Penny! And she's kind of awesome. But Tony! He barely stops smiling during the scenes. And he's all 'come on, present us, come on, make it official!'.

I love that Tim told her about Tony. And the rest of the teams, probably, but I'm curious of the things he said about him, because she said 'you must be Tony'. Not 'and you are Tony', like she saw photos of him. She recognised him because of something else. Tim is good at describing people? Or she assumed a guy visiting her with Tim must be Tony?

How do you know the lieutenant?
Not for the reason you think, I can assure you. He's much too young for me and not at all my type, and your dear grandfather, rest his soul, would not approve.

And I think I can handle this Gibbs person.
Genghis Khan couldn't handle Gibbs.

Our pillow talk was enlightening.
Please don't say "pillow talk."
Okay, how about postcoital embraces?

Oh, the wink to Tony. "He's fun to wind up, isn't he?" "Yeah, I know, it's one of my favourite past time."

A few minutes with Penny, and Tony already trust her to not willingly hurt Tim. Also, can I say how much I like when they have a conversation like that? It reminded me TorC, when Tim told him that he'd follow Tony with whatever plan he had.

"Yes, Master. I'll kill them all. With hugs. Deadly hugs."

Come on, guess, guess, guess. Okay, observe.

And one burned hand, one!

You know the interesting in this scene? I mean, beside Tim? It's Penny's reaction when she saw him. She looked behind her. She thought he was there for someone else, or did she expect Tony behind to block her way?

She still won't talk?
She threatened to stage a hunger strike in the lobby, if I kept pushing her.

You failed to tell me he was so handsome, Timothy. Great eyes.

I love how unimpressed by Gibbs she was. Like tapping his hands with a smile when he refused to shake her hand.

Oh no…

You didn't!

Oh yes, I did.

Now, she's worried.

What do you want me to do, needlepoint my questions?

Well, I wouldn't be against watching him doing it.

'Come on, make me proud.'

You inspired him. You taught him so much. About how to stand up for himself. About how to be exactly who he was, no matter what anyone else thought. Especially his father. He'll always love you for that.

Oh Timmy, you need a hug so bad.

McGee wants to stay in denial about his grandma in danger.

"Game over again?"

Ooh, a caterpillar. Scary. Only because you never met the exploding tumors, Tony.

Oh, like, like, way back, like the '50s or the '60s. I mean, it's not that far back for you, but, for me, that is like, that's, like, way... So...

Dude, you could, like, try to get free. Saying please is not going to work.

One year, Timothy became obsessed with my red pumps, you know? He wore them everywhere. I mean, to the grocery store, to church...
What'd the preacher have to say about that?
"Hey, kid, don't upstage me." As he's teetering down the aisle to the front. And I... Hi, honey.
Hi. What's so funny?

The red pumps. We were just really enjoying that story.
You little cross-dresser you. Does the Pope know?
It's nothing to be ashamed of, darling. You know, it's healthy to explore all sides of yourself.
I was five.
Yeah, that's what's sort of brilliant about it.

It's been a pleasure to meet you both. And Ziva, Tony...
Until next time, ma cherie.
Timothy's lucky to have you.
No, we are the lucky ones.

Penny looks pointedly to Tony, looks at Ziva and while Ziva and McGee have a little moment when she says they're the lucky one, she goes back to share a loooong look with Tony. At this point, you think, 'how nice, it makes pretending she knows about Tony and McGee so much easier.'

And then, McGee goes and agrees with Penny on how hot Tony is and smiles happily. There's making the tinhating easier and there's giving the slash on a silver platter. Not complaining at all.

I'll admit even Gibbs has begun to grow on me a little bit. His cold despotic ways? Really part of his charm. Who knew?

Oh, here's my ride.
Wait, is this a date?
No, just a cocktail, Timothy.
Or cocktails.

*snort* Oh Ducky.

So, Daddy McGee… based on this episode, the headslap if he ever caught Timmy with a charm magazine, the threat to Sarah to involve him if she doesn't work with Tim (and Mommy McGee who burned all his Mad magazines), I think he is, well, Gibbs like, someone very strict and liking discipline. Someone who maybe treated his kids like his men, who was an admiral instead of a father.

He said he stopped calling him 7 years ago when in season 2 he said he talked to him every day. If you take it large, it could means he broke contact around the end of season 2, maybe when Kate died. I can imagine him telling his dad about her death and expected something to help, some advice or just a bit of comfort and getting nothing good enough.

And because McGee senior got his stubborn streak from Penny, he waited until Tim got over it, because in his mind, he didn't anything wrong. But for McGee it was the last straw.

I also don't think it means Gibbs is another father figure for his team. For me, the message is more than Gibbs is like McGee Senior and Tim can use one to understand the other.

My wish for the rest of the season, or the next one: Penny and Jackson Gibbs on the same episode. Not just for the awesome combined, but because I can see them pretending to be together to freak out their kids.

ncis, picspam: ncis, mcgee/dinozzo, tony and mcgee in season 9, i watch & i note: ncis

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