First, meme! I know you hate love them!
My livejournal is named Seer C. because in
hp_survivor watcher's community I used the little joke "I'm a seer dear".
I'd already done a reading for Lucius by the way of
underlucius and I kept the role of Seer. The C. is the first letter of my name, Christelle.
Plus, SeerC=Circe. Yeah, I know.
The subtitle is In French and in English cos in the beginning, when I began this LJ thing, I thought I'll always wrote in the two languages. But I stayed in English, because the majority of my flist is english-speaker. And also, I'm lazy and I don't want to rewrite the same thing twice.
My username,
schtroumph_c has, in a way, its roots in FAP. I wanted a cool username and seached for hours. Finally, because I didn't managed to found one, I choose Still Searching...
Then, it was, and like I was stuck again, it was Still not Found.
For lj, I wanted something better. And I saw a album of Les Schtroumphs. I think in english, it's the Smurfs. And what they remplace the words with sometimes? schtroumph.
So there, schtroumph, which could mean anything, plus the C. of my name.
My friends page have Hey!J'ai des amis! which translate mean Hey! I have friends!
It's like the joke when a mobile rings and one say, ha, "I have one friend!"
And my default icon is something neutral, with the moon, that I love, and my astrological sign, Libra.
Now, something fun:
A Generation Back by CatFeral is updated with the chapter 6!
It's a MST with Hooch, Sprout, Flitwick, Moody, McGonagall, a OMC wich could be the future husband of McGonagall, when they're teens in Hogwart, and they read the HP books. It's really funny.
It's in Stories.