NCIS picspam/review 8x19 Tell All

May 17, 2011 18:54

*sigh* Wanted to take a break to walk a little, was called for emergency babysitting.

Jane is really pretty.

"You almost splattered nature all over the windshield."

Oh, pretty envelope, Gibbs.

"McGee, tampering with someone else's mail is a federal offense, is it not?"
"I believe it is, Ziva."
"And we are federal agents."
"So it'd seem it's our duty would be to arrest him."

"How do you know it's not mine?"
"Because it's addressed to Gibbs."
"Eagle eye, McGee. What else do you see?"
"Tony, why are you trying to look at Gibbs' mail?"

I like your knowledge of Tim's wardrobe, Tony.

"Sorry". For the reminder of the loss of money? Can't be for the touching, he does it for years now. Unless they're officially over…

"Oh, come on. Isn't it obvious? The raised calligraphy, the paper that's made from a fabric more expensive than Timmy's shirt. Sorry."

Making a joke about the way Tony was lost in thought while thinking of McGee and Maxine together would be bad, if he didn't ask photos of McGee with Amanda before. Or take a moment to imagine McGee with Abby.

"Now you're taking love advice from Agent Hot Britches there? Man who makes Belgravian princesses swoon and hot blonde gamers overload? How's that going, by the way?"

McGee can't resist a last look to the letter.

Everybody is happy with someone else, apparently. Even Palmer!

Awww, a Palmer and Breena marriage. I'd love to see this.

Oh yeah, Birdsong means absolutely nothing to him. Nope. Nada. (Weren't he in Alias? Gibbson, or something like that. Dixon!)

Okay, I love that Ducky wasn't complaining about technology (I was starting with 'but, but, he's on Facebook!) but giving relationship advices.

Oh Tony, maybe you should try when he's not in the room.

"Well, I don't know if a head slap coming down the aisle is the ideal Kodak moment."

Gibbs called him Tim? It happens more often now.

She recognized Gemcity :D

"Have we met?"
"Um, no, no, never. Absolutely not."
"I rarely forget a face. And there are some very interesting ones in the book world. Yours is... memorable."
"I am not in the book world, Ms. DuMont."
"You run out of words, McGee? Come on. You're a writer. Find some."

Suuuuuure, you wouldn't play hooky.

…Diane invited her ex husbands to her next wedding? Was Gibbs invited for her wedding with Fornell?

"She was a good agent. Great baker. You should have had her baklava."

"You know, Jethro...if it weren't for Diane... we wouldn't have the kind of relationship that we have."
"Tobias, you've always been a glass-half-full kind of guy."
"Never have to pay alimony again."

"Thought you were going to buy me a nice lunch."
"Nothing. I'm just thinking about the day I married Diane."
"Stirred up memories."
"Yeah... well...Bad ones."
"Not really. Our heads were in the clouds. We were giddy kids. We were in love."
"Oh, you probably had the flu."
"Oh, come on, Jethro. Before it got bad, there must have been some good times."
"She caught her finger in a car door once."

"So I said to myself, "Self, why would the weapon used not be in any weapons database?" And you know what self said?"

Hey, maybe the sorry was about the money, if they bringing back Deep Six.

"McGee. Do hope you have something."
"Big-time, boss."
"Madeleine DuMont just called."
"She finally recognize you?"

Hee, Fornell who hesitate before using Gibbs's computer.

You think McGee will have two marriages?

"Diane... what number wife was she?"
"I think Diane was number two."
"She's three. Or is she four?"
"She was the redhead."
"They're all redheads."
"This is why I'm getting married only once."
"I think McHefner here goes at least two rounds. Maybe three."
"Uh...I am sure McGee will find the right woman, unlike some people."
"Nothing wrong with playing the field, David."
"That depends on which field you're playing, Tony."

Meeep! Almost were them!

Favorite cap:

Gibbs' Angels

Kids are playing. Love Abby's laugh, but I think it was more Pauley, here :)

I love these glasses.

Huh. The scene with Jinn in the interrogation room sounds strange. No music. There's not always music, or other sound, I know, but this scene seems extra silent, beside the dialogue.

Who is the actress for the sweet little thing? She looks familiar.

Ah, the husband. Thought the other guy was the lover?

"Man in distress. Says this is it."
"That's me; I'm in distress. Or maybe I'm just hungry. I don't know. It's hard to tell."


It's not stuff like that that will stop me from thinking of Fornell and Gibbs as a couple, you know.

And the editor didn't recognize Tim. Yet.

ncis, mcnozzo in season 8, picspam: ncis, mcgee/dinozzo, i watch & i note: ncis

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