NCIS picspam and review 8x13 Freedom.

Feb 10, 2011 17:44

So, Nicole Mirante-Matthews. My reaction at her first episode was good in general but not much about McGee, and awesome dialogue. However, she had a special episode, instead of a normal, team one, so like with Waild and Jetlag/Dead Air, I'll wait and see.

Woah, starting well! He didn't mention dating, Tony. In the other hand, it kind of what Tim did to him in Guilty Pleasure.

Aww, Ziva doesn't like when they're fighting.

"It's rude, Tony. I called you four times."
"Well, there's two things wrong with that statement. One, we're not dating, and two, you know I don't take calls from anyone, especially you, after 7:00 p.m. You forget I have a life."

"What's your point?"
"My point, McGee-Party-of-One, is that you were leaving me messages, evidently, about some kind of case file."
"Yeah, one in which I needed you to sign."
"Which you could have waited until this morning for. Give it to me. See that? Now all I have to do is sign it. Look at that. Signing John Hancock... just kidding... Anthony DiNozzo."
"I do not like seeing you two fight."
"It's not my fault he's sensitive today."

(So, if Tony consider rude to ignore a phone call only when the two persons are dating, his reaction during Guilty Pleasure means…)

"Mariposa Luxuries. I didn't order anything."
"Maybe somebody else did."
"Timmy's got a secret admirer? (who isn't me? I need the details.)"

Well, it is your style, Tony.

"It's real funny, Tony."
"You think I did this?"
"I would not put it past you."
"Guys, come on, a little credit, please. I have grown past this kind of sophomoric thing. I mean, who would do something so... genius? McGee with a plastic girlfriend. Congratulations, Tim. She's very sweet."

Heeeee! Gotcha!

"Right now all I need to do is figure out how to deflate this thing."
"Oh, that's easy. There's always a button right here on the back of the neck. There's no reason I should know that."

Tony can't stop laughing.

"This isn't what it looks like, boss."
"Then what is it, Tim?"
"Um, a joke, I think, a really bad practical joke."
"I'm not laughing. Lose your gal pal."

I don't know why, I like him with the scarf.

Black thumb! I ♥ you, Palmer. (In other news, the guy dubbing Palmer is also dubbing a zombie cat in a cartoon, le chat de Frankenstein. It's kind of hilarious.)

"I guess I'm not the only one who kills plants. Yeah, back in college, my friends used to call me Black Thumb. They still do, actually, but now it's 'cause I... I work with dead people. So not important."

*grumble* 90s are not so far away!

""Late '90s"? That makes you... sound so..."
"What, old? Don't say old."
"I didn't say it. You did."

Obligatory Ray/Tiva moment. Betting on the barman for the murderer.

Oh wow! McGee on the field! Alone!

"I wrote the Constitution, and all I got was this lousy plant."

Come on, Gibbs, she's simply like you, not showing weakness. Doesn't mean she has no heart.

"Since when did banks become so evil?"
"Since about the 12th century."

"My firewall hasn't been penetrated."
"Lubricant helps, but everybody has dry spells."

...did they really do this joke? I didn't imagine it, right? Oh, I can't wait to see how the dubbing will go on this one.

Bwahahahaha! Too late, McGee, too late. I love how he's just, "okay, fine, let's wait until he's tired."

"What if I have to change my name?"
"Where do I start?"
"Oh, no. Don't. Please, don't."
"McClean, McFly, McQueen, McGeek, McBankrupt, McMiserable, McRib, McGreek..."

"A lot of anger there."
"She's a strong, powerful woman, in a world dominated by men. That's not anger: that is determination."

Yeah, Tony and McGee together outside! (Heee, Batman voice.)

Oh, bringing back Somalia?

And all I can think there, it's how taller than Cote Christina is. Also, apparently, Christina will always be Angie, the young girl in "F/X: The Series" in my brain. Carry-Ann Moss too, I always think of this show before Matrix when I hear her name.

That was an interesting scene.

Awww, Tony! McGee was so ready to watch you being awesome! And this fortune telling touch to the temple kind of make me wonder if he's not involved.

"Tony, this is huge. " (So tempted to stop the quotation here.)
"You realize the FBI says that I might be involved in this Russian identity theft ring?"
"Calm down, McSpiracy. Before you go all global, let's take a look at this list of charges again. Come on."
"I don't have time for this."
"Back in my Baltimore Homicide days, I'd do 20 of these a week."
"You never did cyber crime."
"No, but I did take a Saturday seminar once, and I excelled. Hit me."

"Hmm. Meltdown Comics, Lola's Pleasure Chest, GameStop and Relax the Back. I've got it. Your identity thief is a 14-year-old pimpled-faced comic book fanatic with severe osteoporosis."

"Thank you so much for your help, Tony."
"You know I'm here for you."

Knew it! Guess I got the formula to find the murderer.

"So you haven't seen The Hunt for Red October? "
"Yeah, it's when Alec Baldwin was skinny."

Tony knows McGee's neighbours?

"Tim McGee? Meet Tim McGee."
"'Sup, dude?"
"Hello. I don't get it."
"Well, Tim, there are two kinds of identity thieves. There's the kind you never know, and there's the kind that knows you so well, that they're aware you're not home from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m."
"You're Mrs. Miller's kid, right? Nick?"
"Who is Mrs. Miller?"
"It's McGee's landlady, the holder of the keys."
"She also has a bad back."
"It was you?! You stole my identity? You sent me an inflatable girlfriend? You know, I'm out almost ten grand."
"Dude, it's fraud, and you're only liable for, like, 50 bucks."
"Yeah, dude."

"Why? Why did you do this to me?"
"You're always doing the same thing. Go to work, come home, go to work again. You even order the same take-out food every single night."
"Not every night."
"Dude, yes. You got to start living. You're too young to act so old."
"You're welcome."

"Can we go to GameStop now?"
"Yeah, man. My little dude. You want to come?"
"Tony, I got all this paperwork. I got to... All right, you know what? Let's go. I'd love to."

Awww, Tony! He just wants McGee to have a little fun, to socialise, to go out with him. Seriously, I think he knew about the kid at some point, or got him to work with him to get McGee out of his apartment.

Because I can't really believe this kid was so worried about Tim's wasted life.

So, going back to season 6, it goes something like that:

Plan 1: Seduce the target on the internet. Problem: forgot the whole 'male' thing. Rate: 2/5. Target totally fall in love.

Plan 2: Make target jealous. Problem: target can play the game too. Totally failed to fall in arms during reconciliation. Rate: 3/5. Sooooooo jealous :D

Plan 3: Use kid to make self look awesomely smart and convince target of the lack of social life, because target is still not listening to self. Use kid to bring favorite place of target in the conversation, bring target along. Success!!

Plan 4: Something with just the two of us.

Didn't see the last episode, don't know when I'll see it. Please, don't spoil.

ncis, mcnozzo in season 8, picspam: ncis, mcgee/dinozzo, i watch & i note: ncis

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