I remembered words I read in my dreams! Usually, I forgot them pretty fast. And the forum of NaNo are up again.
Reviews of the week, spoilers everywhere:
House 5x 02
Is it Penny? Apple. Aren't you suppose to not know the name of your donor?
House, concentrate on the case, not Wilson. "I don't like Wilson anyway." Sure, if you said so.
"It's cancer." Can't be, the title says so.
He's looking to replace Wilson. It doesn't work that way, House.
The PI is kinda mean. But really good.
I can't remember what my notes means: stop breathing (or breaking)?, can't take that from you, camera on the old with the question…
Oh yeah, I liked how the camera moved on the old guy while House was talking.
I'm so not believing Penny Apple about her family. With reason.
He wants it to be cancer to have a reason to see Wilson.
Aww, poor kid.
"That will be 900 dollars." I begin to like this PI.
Exploding colon!
Bad House! No lying about placebo effect! And Wilson doesn't talk about him.
Okay, confessing about the PI was a very bad move. The PI plays the role of friend.
2300 dollars for the caffé machine!
Bwahahaha! Cuddy put cops in front of Apple's room! This nurse is so not a nurse. The PI? Win!
Oh House. You know, we miss all this gory things when they air in France. They edit the most of it.
Hello Chase! House, stop confessing too early. Yeah PI, that's how House work, you didn't find that? Or you thought you wouldn't be a target of his plans?
I'm not sure I understood everything, but I really liked the PI.
NCIS 6x01
Pretty Ziva! She sings well. And nice French! Explosion! I know she'll be okay.
So that's the new team. They're kinda like the other. Langer, doing the minimum to help.
And the women keep calling Tony!
B-Team! Love you Ducky. Yet again, who don't like Ducky?
"It did come to a sticky end." Parker : )
Awww Abby, with the photos. 126 days.
Hey, I recognize it, it's where Ziva was! She's hurt!
Bwahahahaha! McGee is the Boss! They're scared of him!
Ziva is okay, yeah!
So the separation and the new team is to find a spy. I bet on Keating.
Only, Tony doesn't seem to have a mission, just helping McGee to hack.
Why the looks Keating? Easy. You are a geek too.
I love how they're all "Good Night Boss!". And Tony is always an afterthought.
"blatechnobabblebla…I've been there too long."
Lee? She has an alibi. Unless Keating erased it. Yes, I still think it's him, and no, I have no reason for it, beside I like Langer because he's a friend of Gibbs, and it's Lee.
Tony! Self-slap! "Miss you too probie." That's why I don't read Gibbs/Tony fic, they're too dad-son. (And it's when someone says 'so?'). "Are we hacking?" "He's insane."
Naw, she was meeting Parker, not Vargo. He stopped it because he was feeling used. And Lee's alibi worked.
"Got to be Keating." Hmmm, that attracts the viewers' attention on Langer. No, letting this kind of hint in the bag? Too obvious. Added later.
Going there instead of telling someone, bad idea. Plus, McGee found you.
And it's Langer! Well, we didn't see him shooting at her, and she could add the card too, and, maybe there's not one but two mole, and Keating is … ignore me, I'm paranoid.
Aww poor Lee, she's all traumatised.
Yes, we want Ziva back, please, pretty please?
…But, I wasn't being serious! It's Lee? The pillow was because the killer hesitated. And she doesn't like to shoot. Damn.
Bones 5x04
NAOTW: Wendell Bray. I liked him, too bad he's not staying.
ZACK!!!! Still stuck in his logic world.
Algae which make purple water? I don't know why I want it, I have purple tea.
Need an expert? I bet he's thinking about Sweets. Heee!
You know, the mother too could have been threatened by his recovery. No? Okay, I'm not a cop, after all.
Bray is going to think Bones is hitting on him.
"I'm king of the loony bin." Oh Zack. He's so going to beat Bray.
"Satisfy Dr Brennan." Hee.
Hey, Hodgins, that's your boss, stop it. Angela, not his fault. You both took the easy way out.
"Zack's not coming back." He's here! Zack!
"Sweets helped me." "Does Sweets know he helped you?" "No."
All this 12. It's Dumbledore! No wait. The mother, I knew it!
"Promise you won't kill Sweets." "I promise."
Wait, what?! Zack! You're a little more innocent!
Smallville 8x02
Clark! At the Daily Planet! Oh no Clark? Not this kind of clothes! And a backpack? Listen Lois and her rules. Heee phone booth!
Hello Tess. Welcome in the club of the people saved by Clark. Also, the kid running will be important.
"You're hard to miss." Hello Davis. You shouldn't crush on her. And Chloe gave up journalism. Nope, sorry Chloe, Clark didn't see the ring, he's not Donna Noble.
"Goddess of Journalism." "Worried about me?"
"You're on my to-do list." Well, if she took Lex's place…
PS: The lack of scratch on Tess, hint she's special, or usual SV continuity?
Bat Boy!
Tommy, we won't like him when he's furious. But I'll bet on Bette anyway. Too easy. Keating? No, I don't know any Keating. Oh come on, where is his body?
"Adopt a pyramid, save a Sphinx." I like Davis.
Oh, Clark's face at the revelation about Chloe's engagement. "I won't reveal my source." Psycho Spice!
Belle Reve? They send her to Belle Reve?! But…I give up. Logic and SV doesn't go well together, I should know it by now.
Tess will have a job for Bette, of course.
That's a lot of corrections, there, Lois. "Don't hold back."
"A long career at the Daily Planet." Heeee.
And Davis has a secret, of course.
And, will Clark ever think about Kara?
Supernatural 4x02
Hunter! Woman hunter! Dead woman hunter.
I'm rather meh on this god business. Do you think Dean has a little problem of self-esteem?
Pie! Oh Dean. "When did I forget the pie?" When you died?
I still miss old Ruby. This one is too bland. And he forgot the pie!
Aaaand more dead hunters. Herickson! As a ghost, and there is a mark on his hand.
Bobby. His wife? No, little girls. Meg!
…how her clothes were slutty? Because her arms were bare?
The people they failed to save come back for revenge.
"Some place safe, you idiot." It's a bunker for hunter! "You build a panic-room." "I had a week-end off."
Prophecy are never good. Apocalypse? Nothing more? 5 dollar a galleon of gas apocalypse.
"You thought our luck was going to start now all of sudden?"
Mandroid Guy, Ronald!
Meg has a very good point about the bodies used by Ruby.
Sam has the couch, Dean has the floor. Bobby's house looks very big, with many rooms, they couldn't find a bed? Or it's full of books?
Lillith is behind all that, she's trying to bring back Lucifer. Damn, girl!
Castiel is a soldier, and Dean is a little bit scared. And I try really, really hard, but each time he talks, I think of Good Omens.
SGA 5x10
Janus! Daniel!!! Stop being jealous, Rodney.
Whoah! I forgot how fast Daniel could talk.
"Try to not blow her up while I'm gone." "No promise." Pouty John!
Oh the smirk from Ronon! (Team Ronon!)
That a cool entry to the Janus-cave. "You could have told me to walk through the wall." "I could've, yes."
Now it's Rodney talking quickly. I'm going to love them together.
Oh oh, blinking lights are never good.
Oh Woosley and his speech. "Today is a historic day."
"You two make a good team." Don't overdo the expressions of joy, boys.
"Back to be Boss."
"He could have been Mensa." Bad Rodney. I though he was proud, but the two laughed. Rodney and Daniel probably share stories about John and Jack. "I swear, ancient women and him!" "Two word: flower cake."
I'm sure it was an awesome speech, Richard. Heee, Caldwell! "Robert who?" And the smirk!
"Is everything a competition with you?" Yes.
"None of us sign to be famous." "No, we did it for the money!" "You're not paid more than me, are you?" I love them.
Chuck! With a comic book! Teyla and the marines.
Ancien ship? I wonder if Janus created the shield, maybe the trick is the same than with the Janus cave.
Ooh, new rings? Ah no, insta-lift. No holes in the City! They just repainted!
"What's on the bottom of this tower?" "Rodney."
These guys are nice enough for not killing them, just using the shield.
John and Rodney mind-meld! Like during the Storm!
"You could have told me before I touch it!" "I could have, yes." I really, really love them.
"We're not dead yet." Good point.
I don't care about the wraith, give me back Rodney and Daniel! I want Keller's hair.
Nice to see that Rodney learned from Trinity. Danny! Mediator Daniel! I missed you!
"Who say we went to heaven?" Plus, Daniel died enough time to recognize it. I like how worried about radiation he was. It was his longest death, after all.
Ooh, Todd knew about the device, Attero device.
Go Rodney, working until the end, ignoring the threats.
Nice trick with the shield, John.
Duuuuuuude! They blew up the gate! I thought they'll stop with the shot of the tower and next episode, Radek has an idea, but they blew up everything!
PS: More Rodney and Daniel, please.
I watch over Samanta Friday afternoon. I was supposed to stay from 15h30 to 20h, her parents were back at 19h. Gaëlle was just a little worried. Micka was comprehensible (read mock to death). I found a good thing, she loves Dr Horrible, she sings and dance when she heard it.