(no subject)

May 22, 2005 23:11

i wrote my mock graduation speech today for english, i need everyone's opinion on whether or not its half decent:

"I’ve often wondered what I would say if I had to present a graduation speech, and I have always thought that I wouldn’t be able due to the fact that I wouldn’t know what to say. But on this day, I doubt that I’ll be able to include everything on my mind. Over the past four years, I have to say that I’ve learned more about myself than any other period in my life. The experiences I’ve endured, the people I’ve met, the places I’ve gone, and the things I plan to do in the future have all molded me into the person I am today.
I have to admit I am still in a state of pure shock knowing that my high school life is over. To me, this signifies the end of my childhood. It is the end of innocence, and ignorance, the end of immaturity and carelessness. And it surprises me that everyone that I’ve talked to is so willing and ready to sacrifice it all just to get out of high school and start their own lives. To be completely honest with you, I have never been sadder. As I’ve said to others, for the past four year, high school has been my life and I am going to miss it more than anything. It’s not just my friends that I am going to miss either, it’s a combination of everything I have been able to experience. My teachers, student council, sports, the constant stress, the jocks, student royalty, the delinquents, the janitors, school lunch, all of the events, and even the administration, have all created the memories that I will remember this school for. I feel that people tend to be the happiest in places they are most comfortable, and for me, PSHS has been that place. I can say all I want how much I hate this school, but the fact is, I don’t know where I would be today if I hadn’t gone to school here and done everything I have. My only hope is that I was visible to my classmates as I tumbled through each year, never stopping to take a look at everything going on around me.
It would be impossible to include everyone I owe thanks to at this point. To my dad, words cannot express how much of an impact you have had in my life. I wouldn’t be going to college next year if it weren’t for you. You have been a mentor, a friend, a better father anyone could ever ask for, and most importantly, my hero. To my mum, we have been through so much. You gave me a book when I was younger that I will carry with me everywhere I go. It was called, “Love you forever”. The most important line in the book and the line I think of whenever I think of you are, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll love you for always, for ever and ever, my mommy you’ll be.” I’ll never forget those words, you are a mother unlike any other and no matter what we go through, you’ll always be my mom. To my grandparents, I have watched you on the sidelines these four years helping me out in every way possible, and I am so grateful that you are still here to share this moment with me. To my sister, we have been through it all together, and I don’t think I would have made it without you. I won’t miss anyone more than you next year, I hope we can only grow closer. To Nicole, in the short period of time you’ve been in my life, we have developed a bond that I cherish. You are like a second mother to me. And to my friends, life isn’t going to be the same without you all. The things you’ve taught me about myself are priceless and I owe you the most thanks for showing me who I am. No one could ever ask for better friends.
As I near the end of my speech, I can’t say what I plan on for the future because out of everything I’ve learned the past four years the most significant is the fact that everything is constantly changing. Life is the unknown and unknowable. So go out into the world and live. Have the time of your life, make mistakes, learn from everything, cry, find your soul mate, fight, kick and scream, take risks but have no regrets, and most importantly, stop every once in a while to breath. Your life is what you make it, so make it great. Thank you.

...so there it is, if i get saluditorian, (fingers crossed), i'll prolly use some of that. please be honest.
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