♔ This journal is locked to friends-only posts because monkies. Feel free to add me and I'll do the same, just let me know as I don't really check that kind of thing often.
♕ Most of my posts are random fangirling nonsense, and once in a while are close to "interesting". I watch tons of anime, read manga and doujinshi, play video games... Typical fnagirl stuff. I love to write and that will all be thrown in here as well.
♘ I have no tolerance for close-minded people or ones who shove their views down my throat. It's just rude and I won't put up with it. Things like; religion, political views, life-style habits, and such are cool to talk about without getting up in arms about it. If I removed you it's probably because you haven't updated in 3+ months or we don't talk at all. Nothing personal, really. :D
♗ All in all, I'm a happy-go-lucky nice chicka most of the time with weird habits and kinks which will probably be warned under a LJ cut as I'm nice like that. That's about it. ^_^b
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