Friday we saw "Jersey Boys" at the Orpheum. Of all the shows we planned on seeing this year with the series tickets, we probably wouldn't have chosen this one, but I"m so glad we saw it. Amazing singing from the guy playing Frankie Valli. I think I liked his singing better than Valli's because he had more edge to his head voice, and it wasn't all falsetto. When I looked at Valli's website and read his bio, most of the stuff in the show appears to be true.
Saturday was "Blue Man Group." The best way to describe a BMG performance is "Orff-Schulwerk meets Rock and Roll." J laughed at me because I was practically jumping out of my seat with excitement. BUT IT WAS SO COOL!!! The audience interaction with the jumbotron screens before the show was genius. They would ask questions, and ask for the audience to respond. Lots of fun.
My video montage created on the Blue Man Group website.
Create Your Own Video This afternoon S, B and I went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art to see the Japan exhibit. Lots of scrolls and garments, all from the John C. Weber collection. Ceramics that looked like modern dishes, dating from 1600. Funky, modern art looking bowls and tea service items that are 400 years old. Modern kimonos that are influenced by the Art Deco movement in Europe. Way cool. AND NOW IT"S SPRING BREAK!!