May 29, 2005 21:09
I have one regret from the weekend.
After the show, in the mcdonalds line out the front of myer centre, i randomly started talking to this girl. She had just said 'BH', and i assumed she was a border at a private school. I said to her 'BH? Boarding House?' She's like 'yeah', so we chatted for a bit. She was from PNG, and she was very beautiful. We talked about wasting schoollife (a topic i'm passionate about, as I wasted my school, and now i'm up shit creek) and she was fully convicted about it. Said she'd makes some changes etc. Now the important part. I have never felt a connection with a girl like i did with her (shes 18 btw). In the 5 minutes we spoke, i realised this was no ordainary meeting. I walked away knowing she boarded at Lourdes Hill College. I stupidly didn't even ask her name. I know that i could have just said 'hey wahts your name? got a mobile? wanna hang out?' and she would have been down in a second. I didn't ask. I know its prolly just my mind, and i know im blowing shit out of proportion, but i sincerely hope i have another 'chance meeting' with this young lady again, because i've never regretted not asking someone out like i did last night.
God, let me see her again. Whatever happens, i can bring colsure to whatever stupid feelings i've conjured up in my mind.