Mar 30, 2005 21:27
Just got back from NHS induction ceremony; I'm considering dipping my hand in gasoline. The eager young minds of tomorrow appear promising but i guess we'll have to wait and find out. Spring break was excellent. Started off the break with a little poker at baier's house. The girls slaughtered me and took all my money. After that, had berryman over and listened to a little Bone Crusher. On Friday i went to see Hitch with my home girl Hannah :), followed by some quality time with grapes and berryman(again, haha). Nothing special on saturday, hung out with the family and watched some movies. Sunday:Easter. I somehow managed to get out of going to church this year by sleeping in(note to self) and instead woke up to a huge big breakfast. Dyed some easter eggs and ate candy, all in all, sunday was a good day. Monday was definitely the work day of the break. Dentist and then MVA to renew my learners for the 2nd time (go ahead, laugh at me). After that i had a little meeting with the ap chem kids to finish up two chapters of bookwork and some reaction predictions. It was a marvelous break. Definitely gave me an opportunity to get my mind off of school some. The weather has been absolutely spectacular. Hopefully things keep going well.
-The Schroed