Sep 21, 2005 21:17
so this was my first day back at school since last thursday; also, my first day without takin any painkillers for my mouth. i had such a headache thismorning it was hell gettin to school n class. i backed into my space n left kyle a hella amouth of room, but of course he comes in complainin when it was SAM who was Bad. physics was awful, talk about not knowin what was goin on, every other class was okay. hultburg n booth weren't here today so that was a total waste of two classes. i'm really bummed about not bein able to play in band. the only frenchhorn in thewhole school n i can't play. let me tell you it sucks, when 110 other kids can play when they prolly don't even want to and I can't. Grr.
hil said it looked like i had drawn on my cheek with a yellow highlighter today coz of the bruise from my surgery. Funny that mad me feel a whole lot better.
watched my lastnights episode of Nip/tuck. entertaining and yet very sick. ew. it's a great show just too much sex, if that's possible. Imagin that coming from my fingers "too much sex" Ha. i make myself laugh.
i talked to aaron lastnight. that was interesting. i found out good news though.
I haven't talked to my cousin aaron bates in forever. hope things are cool with him. i had a dream that christina called n asked me to buy her condoms coz she didn't want to ask her mom n i spazzed out in walmart coz i didn't know what type to buy her. they do't have just normal ones anymore they're all "her pleasure" "heat""texture""ribbed" common now folks lets just make plain regular condoms. if people need help with their sex life let's anounce it to the world when we buy "extended pleasure" obviously this guy doesn't last very long or the girl just goes on forever. common now. I'd kill christina tho, she's going to be 13 in October! how exciting. i was thinkin the other day. when i'm turnint 20 she'll only be 16. I'm freakin old! but htere's only 4 years between me n her, there's 7 between aaron and me. so i guess it could be worse.
well im done with my condom, cousin, school babblings i suppose.