Feb 26, 2006 21:34
dude....my mom got myspace...I had to act excited for her. bah!...oh well, I really don't want to go to school tomarrow, but I think I'm going to start actually try in class. cause I want to get good insurense for cheap. so yea. omg I love this conditioner...its like, strawberry cream, it smells Sooooooo good. oh! so I just found out our new little friend Hilary is a little two faced backstabber. for example, durig the Spotligjt concert, hanna messed up so Hilary goes up to Savannah and tell her " arn't you glad hanna messed up cause now she'll be jealouse of you" and then later she goes up to Hanna and say " oh my god guess what savannah jsut said, she's happy that you messed up cause she thinks you'll be jealous of her now" GAH! thats what we get for Befriending a Attention whore freshman. yea she also called my sister a Bitch..ohhh she's going down. Actually, I don't know if I want to start a fight with her and give her the attention she craves, I donno. dude I can't get over this Conditioner. its smells...yummy I like it,,anyways, I can't type right now for somereason and its really bothering me. pluse I just realized I never put my nose ring back in after I washed my face so i'm going to go. bye!