Settling into Bloomington

Aug 20, 2007 22:18

Well, it's almost been a week since I've started to stay in my apartment regularly. All the posters are up, which means everything else is organized. I bought a camera online so that I could better sell some things I won't need on Craig's List. I also had my first MPH orientation today which was just on pay forms. I'll be picking my classes either tomorrow or Wednesday. There's lots of practicum stuff in the program, so I think that should be helpful.

I have made a few observations. Although my apartment is nice and I think I did a nice job with setting up the place, the management sucks some ass. They didn't let me know that I couldn't move in at 5 on the day they changed my move date to after I accommodated their change. Further, they made me get a hotel since they wouldn't as much as drive a couple blocks down to give me a key. Fortunately, my friend Doug kindly was able to stay to help me move and give me a ride back to Bloomington to finish up my schoolwork. Also, my apartment is I3. Doesn't that look like thirteen? Well, that's the letter I, and then the number three. Confusing? Yes. Dumbshit? Definitely.

Amazingly, I'm stocked up on food and yet I haven't stepped foot inside a Kroger. I went to The Dollar Store for can goods and a place called Bloomingfoods for the rest of my foodstuff. That place is awesome. It's all local and organic stuff. Some stuff is expensive, so I just don't buy it, but most of the stuff is fine in price. For instance, I got a gallon of apple juice for six bucks. And when you look on the ingredients it just says apples. That's it. The shit tastes great. They also won over my heart with their fair trade banana stickers. To top it off they sell GOOD Magaizine there, the best magazine ever.

In other important matters I've found the disc golf course (on the map), and have found the racquetball courts, conveniently located in the same building as my department. It takes me between five to ten minutes to bike to class and bike parking is excellent. I'm also right on the bus route for bad weather.
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