Dancing Toward the Summer Session

Apr 30, 2006 22:53

This seemed like the perfect opportunity to delay doing work for another moment or so. Tomorrow I take my first and last final. I just have a bunch of papers to turn in, which aren’t terrible just a bit vague as far as what they’re supposed to be. They’ll get done somehow though. I just got through the hellish swamp of work from the last couple weeks.

Tomorrow I will also talk to the last faculty member before resubmitting my transfer request. I would have resubmitted a little earlier, but I was asked to check with another person by a faculty member that’s really been supportive, so I figured I should. A neat part is that I will be able to pick my own classes again, just with advisor approval. Once I resubmit I’ll get my class schedule taken care of. Unless this last faculty member has something mind-boggling to tell me, I am rather sure of what I want to do.

The other night Miami’s Grad Student Assoc. group had a grill out where we did kickball and then later on rented out a floor at a bar/club. I went with some people from my cohort and even ran into someone I went to NKU with. It was really neat to meet other people outside the department. Also, it was cool to know everyone there was a grad student. Although I still feel awkward with dancing, I am sorta feeling better. And boy are these girls from other departments aggressive. I got “sandwiched” twice and one cute girl did this dance where she basically used my leg as a humping post, which I was pretty much okay with. I am not sure what these dance moves are called. The other one the girl did must have been called rub your ass on the other person’s crotch. I am just guessing at names because I’m so clueless. I don’t know where everyone learns this stuff. I sure wasn’t there that day. The GSA person said they’re gonna try to do this stuff monthly. I think I know where I will be monthly.
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