May 28, 2008 23:20
I cannot for the life of me, put into words how Change has managed to smoothly dock its wonderful sails into my so-called life. However there are distinct moments when I can't help but take a step back and observe at how the obscure parts all fit together to make out this wonderful, wonderful picture. Case in point: a recent purchase of 2 volumes of a certain "bible" that has managed to excite me more than anything else this entire summer. Just this morning, I found myself staring at the front cover while playing out exaggerated scenarios in my head. This is really it. The vicarious thrills and mistakes of yesteryears have been chucked out (not forgotten) of the window to replace what I'd like to interpret as a pivotal point in my existence. Ah, what a sap. Or maybe I'm just happy and I don't know where else to displace the unsuspected rush of endorphins. I love it, that sense of well-being. Where does it all come from? :)