(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 00:00

so recently we bought alot of baby stuff, a few weeks ago the crib (one of those last a lifetime it becomes a bed motha fuckas). today we got the car seat (with 2 bases) a stroller, a playpen (travel crib), and a diaper bag. we were at the store for a few hours, people were testy, the stress level was high. the girls started climbing all between the inventory boxes and playing around. I wanted them to know that wasnt ok but didnt really have a thing about it. margie put makenna in time out in a random corner for her shananagins. makenna started crying loudly for attention like she does. margie got real close and was saying things along the lines of 'be quiet now' but i could sense the stress level. a few minutes late, for the same thing, makenna was put in a different random corner, she was starting the same thing. i said to her that it wasnt necisarry and that no one wanted to hear it (i say that alot when she does things to get attention). margie slammed the little carseat display and huffed a bit. **i get very offended when people think or say that i do not treat children right** i told her to clam down because it wasnt as bad as what she did an asil over. she started crying and stormed off for like a half hour. this poor girl was helping us and i couldnt just say 'yeah we will take that' without margie (she has this whole thing that she has more experiance and shes never wrong) so i was looking for her, text messaged her ( the phone was in the cart) and was just sort of up the river with two kids feeling helpless.

a few hours later, when we got home, with all the hundereds worth of stuff and all the cool gadgets to play with, i said 'i wasnt really mad, and wasnt mad at makenna. i just saw that you were getting really stressed and had yelled at her so i tried to beat you to it and get her quiet so you wouldnt be so stressed'. she seemed upset with that so now i just wonder (with all the previous history you guys hadn't heard) do i stand a chance at being a parent? are my ideas of raising a child going to go out the window? will my discipline fall on 'is this ok with you'. if thats the case i would rather raise a kid by myself. im not saying anything, just ranting. isnt that all anyone wants, some sort of consideration?
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