Nov 29, 2005 20:31
Hey world
Well toronto wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. JON WAS THERE from the other class!! =D i talked to someone!! but it rained all day. like it rained REALLY hard... and right at the begining of our two and a half hour lunch my umbrella randomly broke and came down on my head. i'm SOOO happy no one seen it! so instead of staying in the nice warm and dry mall we set off in search for Friendly. only to realize after 30 mins of walking one way we were going the WRONG way. GOD I WANTED TO KILL JON! ahh well, so we walked back and found it. When we started this trip i had straight hair... by the end i had ringlets like sherly temple. i was completely soaked, but i got "pick 3" hehe garth named it =P , so its ok.
Haha this might explain y i dont feel so good.... i got on the bus and felt like i waz heating up. hayley felt my face and said "WOW, i think ur sick" kinda like when derryck made me almost cry at the work christmas party.... never again shall i look nice near work. but back to my first point. i feel extremely grose and sick... i need a hug haha.
P.S i'm starting to take info about New Years and that this thursday cuz it's december 1st! so let me know u people.
Buh Byez