Для igorfedorov2022: анабiозъ человѣка распiвочно и навыносъ

Jul 17, 2021 01:37

igorfedorov2022, тут вот в один коммент не влазит: пришлось цельный пост залудить!

> Почему? Потенциальный анабиоз человека - тоже очень интересная тема.


Однако, заявленное там богатое вымя кипучих надежд обернулось немножко пшыком (цирую куски с собственной автобыдлографии, первоначально требовавшейся для поездки на дрезденскую псевдонаучную конференцию, но проходило время и начал дописывать далее - а опосля последней редакции года от 19-го народишко почему-то кто как прочтет, разбегаеццо как тараканы, такшта я ее теперь никому не показываю; да и не дописываю, а то уже вообще совсем третий "Реаниматор", да и вовсе после Пущино и недавно Мааськвы приходиццо помалкивать, во избежание):

Сачала поскипаю, накой мне оно надо срочно бегом-прыжками-роняя-кал обратимо витрифицироваться (а зачем мне это надо -[то отдельный неприятный разговор.]("As far back as I can remember, I’ve been trying to turn my life into science fiction, but it stubbornly relapses into a cheapjack horror movie for the time being…

In my early childhood I wanted to be a marine biologist (mainly because I loved to dive). However, a clash with human suffering and death caused me to devote myself to the fight against aging. Impetuous biotechnological progress, transhumanism, cyborgization, hopes for Technological Singularity, like-midned people in communication networks… I have stripped of all but science, abandoning all avocations (except diving).

In the early nineties there was no cloning, stem cells etc., so I intuitively attempted to engage in something close to experimental embryology. Which did not find understanding in representatives of the then provincial Russian medical science. ”Young man, it’s a sin!” - as one head of department told me.

In those years it seemed that no one was interested in genuine science in Russia. Therefore, after lots of fruitless attempts, I gradually fell into depression (developing multiple sclerosis, of which I did not know then, added to backlash) and became an ordinary abdominal surgeon. Several years later the consequences of an old spinal column trauma (when a jetski tried to drown me upon surfacing) first forced me to quit freediving, later - surgery (I could not operate any more) and at last ended with a cervical spinal cord compression. Just then the diffuse macrofocal multiple sclerosis was diagnosed, and I understood at last what the hell has been going on with me through all these years.

Previous three months of pain above the pain threshold in combination with sleep deprivation (I could not sleep more than 10-20 minutes a day) on the background of simultaneous two deadly diseases forced me to start preparing myself for euthanasia. At that moment my old network friends, who were just planning to create their own laboratory under the auspices of Institute of Biology of Aging, dissuaded me, convincing to undergo а risky operation instead and turn my attention to cryobiology. A utopian idea of being reversibly vitrified in anticipation of the heyday of nanotechnology and a possibility to fix and subsequently enhance my deranged brain.

Not that I would ever want to live in my current state anyway, nor willing to keep existing whatsoever after realizing the true nature of reality (Πάντων μὲν μὴ φῦναι ἐπιχθονίοισιν ἄριστον [«‘Tis best, for earthbound mortals, best of all not to be born»]© Theognis of Megara). With unbearable clarity impossible to live with, but unjust no to apperceive.

It is extremely difficult to express what is inexpressible - being said, it just turns into an empty cliche. Let’s say that prior to my meaningless existence termination I intend to fully realize the essential nature of awareness... Put it otherwise, I intend to have no more intentions (which is completely beyond my absurd neurological circumstances, turning me into a mindless howling animal).

Such a surrogate "meaning of life"... Well, what else is left for me, since anility has come ahead of schedule?

Getting back on topic, I was lucky again - the operation was more than effective; pains and muscle paralysis ceased and I could walk.

Multiple sclerosis also proceeds very favorably, its progress is slow and neurological complications are relatively rare. The disease lasts for 20 years, but I can still walk, though reeling. Basically some cranial nerves, cervical plexus, and the hypothalamus (especially the balance of neurotransmitters) are affected.

Major depression, aboulia, obfuscation and memory derangement, photophobia, constant nausea in self-contradictory conjunction with bulimia, and even such comparatively little things as Cushing's syndrome and type II diabetes greatly interfere with doing science. Just like Charlie Gordon at the end of «Flowers for Algernon»… And as well I ever "feel the darkness closing in"... Not a life, but incessant suicide).

Причем надо  ДАВНО УЖЕ, а то приунылъ настолько, что при моей нозологии по выживаемости уже за пределы третьей сигмы выхожу, а мозги в первых рядах коцаюццо, так что вы себе не представляете, каким образом мне удаеццо производить частичное впечатление относительно вменяемого человека... В общем:
"...The more so because conflicting objectives for cryopreservation of macroscopic samples turn cryobiology into an embodied nightmare. Modern cryonics is a pseudoscience, the longstanding heroic struggle of Gregory Fahy and Brian Wowk simultaneously fascinates and terrifies me… Seeing absolutely no prospects, I dealt with this mainly out of desperation, simply not having other way out. Banging my head against the wall. Though it seems we’ve managed to break through, and leastways obtained some theoretical approach to the development of a protocol for reversible vitrification of bulky biological objects. A scrap of hope… Even two scraps, as I presumptuously believed a few years ago.

However, attempts to apply in practice conclusions based on math modeling of about a thousand molecules together with pressures and temperatures non-existent in reality are quite pathetic. And besides, we ran out of money - so it is all a mere theory.

AND IT SEEMS THAT NO ONE IS INTERESTED! Purchasing yachts and football teams, plundering of budget and meaningless social entertainments etc. are preferable. “A Feast in Time of Plague”… Apparently, there is not enough money even to bomb Syria!
I have exhausted all my resources to attract enough funding. It seems there’s no one to hope for (especially Russian transhumanists, who turned out to be men of straw).

Vitrification of macroscopic objects is another sad story. In short - the laws of nature themselves are against us! When dealing with something macroscopic we face quite a number of additional obstacles, namely:
  • Cryoprotectants at concentrations required for vitrification (up to 60% v/w by) are badly toxic.
  • Uneven cryoprotectants distribution in organ parenchyma.
  • Irregularity of cooling with temperature gradients formation, leading to insufficient cooling rate.
  • Cracking during storage below glass transition temperature (Tg).
  • Occurrence of nucleation sites at about-Tg.
  • Insufficiently slow and uneven warming with temperature gradients and local overheating.
  • Devitrification during warming due to insufficient heating rate with ice recrystallization.
  • Reperfusion syndrome at the end of rewarming.
Besides, ice formation during rewarming happens faster than during cooling because ice nucleation occurs at lower temperatures than ice growth. Such nucleation leads to extensive ice growth at warmer temperatures.

That’s why the ‘‘critical warming rates” (minimal warming rates to avoid “devitrification”, or significant ice formation during warming from a vitrified state) are typically two or more orders of magnitude greater than critical cooling rates. The same stringent and even contradictory conditions are imposed on storage temperature and transport of macroscopic samples, because masses of vitrifiable tissues larger than a few cubic centimeters almost invariably develop large-scale fractures. Storing them at liquid nitrogen temperature leads to cracking due to shear stress relaxation, while keeping them close to Tg (up to 150°С) results in nanoscale ice crystals formation due to lateral diffusion of water molecules, which increases the critical warming rate upon subsequent heating…

Full of melancholy, in 2014 I visited the dubious Dresden cryonics conference. Nothing useful came out of there, only Aubrey de Gray had sent me rays of good, light and sympathy... Albeit having been cherished a bit in his rays (he is a gerontologist, after all!), from that moment on I tend to perplexedly despise Western cryonicists (specifically "ALCOR Cryonics") almost as much, as Russian "cryocroocks" (among which, to my shame, I once used to be almost "Primus inter pares", and whose initial admiration subsequently turned into sheer huffy hatred toward me, since the most offensive is the blatant truth right in the face).

Two more inglorious years spent on a little bit of biophysics (though I’m somewhat innumerate and stand on it!). Some of my ideas became an interest of the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICB RAS), who had won a mega-grant from the "Advanced Studies Foundation" (dumb soldiery, as it turned out later) on "Reversible vitrification of murine heart with restoration of functions."

Gathering myself into a pile, I came to Puschino and worked there for a couple of months, after proving I'm not a fraud (in particular, reproducing some of my unusual results that had attracted their attention).

Though I’ve warned them from the very beginning that nothing would come of it without differential scanning calorimeters (DSCs), absent at that time, needful for the research continuation, the Institute of Cell Biophysics insisted that I should study various cryoprotective solutions xenon solubility and density at different temperatures and their viscosity coefficients at xenon excess pressures…

So I had to form and spearhead a scientific multidisciplinary team that devised and manufactured a sophisticated experimental high-pressure cryogenic viscosimeter for «ICB RAS cryobiology and water biophysics laboratory», and performed some physicochemical properties assessments of variety of solutions, containing xenon and traditional cryoprotectants.

Good subject for writing a scientific article - but who the hell needs articles, when I already went beyond the brink of survival statistics!..

Alas, as it usually happens in Russia, the mountain has brought forth a mouse - financing is never for results, but for show-off.
In addition, my Voronezh partners have catastrophically failed me. Apparently, they got bored over time and literally ruined everything. I'm not an engineer or a physicist, so I could not do everything myself! The studies have been finished successfully in general, but without any practical benefits...

All their results - frog heart, beating after 45 days at -196°C... And also isolated rat heart functional activity restoration after 24hr hypothermic (4°C) storage. Outstanding results at the highest level of the 70-ies of the XX century!
Summarizing: Russian science has once again manifested its imitative nature - SCIENTIFIC CARGO CULT AMID IMPOVERISHMENT... Performers are not allowed to work properly - mainly by plundering funds and making sure that pathetic financial remnants are used most ineffectively.

The main result of my cryobiological torment was a crystal clear realization that the only chance to develop revertible vitrification of bulky biological objects is to simultaneously outlay nearly billion dollars on cryobiological research!..

And my own paltry ideas are enough for 2.5-3 million dollars, not more...

Except that Gregory Fahy would be able to come up with something groundbreaking on the basis of my crudity works… Albeit, he is already quite elderly and seems to be a bit desperate (R. Mcintyre, G. Fahy, Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation, September 2015, Cryobiology 71(3), and especially J. Cypser, W. Chick, G. Fahy, G. Schumacher, T. Johnson, Genetic suppression of cryoprotectant toxicity. Cryobiology, 2018 - it is just embodied nightmare!), though still shows some current activity (several articles about his rabbit kidney vitrification etc.)... Or maybe his associate Brian Wowk. I do not see any other suitable candidates... Perhaps, it will be at least a shadow of some chance."

Переложил, карочи, непосильную интеллектуальную тяготу на Фэя, ога. Но таки тогда пришлось придумывать, каким образом побырому зарабатываь этот мильярд Фэю с Вовком... Придумал. А там уже совсем другая исторя началась, шесть лет бьюсь, как рыба об лед.

Подал, наконец, одну заявку на патент, щас осталось еще две (там их по-зорошему 8-12 надо, но можно обойтись для начала тремя, оно и на эти-то патентным поверенным щас еще 250 тышч дениг должен!) - мучительно допишу и начну истошно орать на всю планету...

криобиология, Ксенон, РОССИЕЙ СТЫЖУСЬ!, Автобыдлография, тканевая инженерия, Фантазм, Ужоссы Кащмра, Лабобратория, клатраты

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