English-Chinese dictionary

Mar 24, 2007 16:50

This taken from an article from China News Digest. This guy talked about how his 老爸 (father) learned English diligently during his time in the States and even remembered some vocab after he returned country. The mystery of how his father got so good at English was explained when he looked at the notebook in which the old man recorded English vocabulary: there wasn't one single English letter in the notebook.

杀平      采购,买东西价高价低都不合适,就得杀平了。
抛磕      猪肉,杀猪不抛不磕,猪肉是吃不到嘴的。
勤啃      鸡肉,吃鸡就得勤啃,
毙夫,     牛肉,斗牛士都斗不过它,能不毙夫吗。
磕勤      厨房,懒人进厨房也能磕打勤快了。
拨耳朵     小鸟,扒拉耳朵小鸟就会飞。
夫拉我     面粉 夫是喜欢我,做成馒头抗饿。
累死      米, 插秧种稻是够累人的,累死才能吃到米。
陪婆      纸  用纸陪婆婆就够了,写字,剪纸消磨时间。
派婆      辣椒 婆不怕辣,派婆去尝
死姑      学校 看来这学校与咱们过去的学校一样,只能有男生。
费事      鱼  吃鱼是够费事的,又得收拾,又得摘刺。
候母      家  家是候母的地方,没有女人不成家吗。
耗死      房子 房子里是容不得耗子。

My favorites are si4gu1, fei4shi4, and hou4mu3.
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