Apr 13, 2005 19:27
I reserve the right to define myself, among other rights, and I like to be respected. I happen to be female and I like it. Does that make me a feminist?
How ‘bout this: I think that as long as men make more money than women for the same work, men should pay more than women in joint expenditures: (i.e. dates, household stuff)
"Society ponders the problem of unwed teenage mothers, not the problem of unwed teenage fathers. Indeed, reproductive freedom in general is a 'women's issue,' as if men were merely disinterested bystanders on the matter of sexualty." - Carol Tarvis, The Mismeasure of Woman
I admire religious adoption agencies more than abortion clinics. But imagine how it would feel to give up your baby for adoption because you do not have the means to support him/her. Why all the baby mamas? How come we don't got many baby papas? Cuz the baby papas run away with the hogskins tucked between their legs. Why aren't the pro-lifers chasing them? Unwanted pregnancy is one of my biggest fears - I don't know if I'd be able to have an abortion, but I know that raising a child would be much easier with the help and support of a partner.
Comment. I won't bite your head off. Promise.