Одной из характерных черт The New York Review of Books является то,
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Статья о биографии Робера Оппенгеймера авторства Рея Монка в свежем
выпуске NYRB, например написана Фрименом Дайсоном (Freeman Dyson.
Opeenheimer: The Shape of Genius. NYRB, vol. LX, No. 13, pp. 18-19,
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By Peter Goodchild
'I was among the last in the receiving line,' Teller recalled. 'President Reagan was standing next to Premier Gorbachev and introduced me to him, saying, "This is Dr Teller." I put my hand out to shake hands, but Gorbachev stood unmoving and silent. Reagan then repeated to Gorbachev, "This is the famous Dr Teller." Gorbachev then said with his hands at his sides, "There are many Tellers."'
Teller was the only person among the senior politicians, arms-control negotiators and scientists at the dinner to receive this treatment, and said afterwards:
I was momentarily shocked and hurt. I did not look upon shaking Gorbachev's hand as a particular honour... My response was, 'There are, indeed, many Tellers.' I then turned and left the receiving line...
I have come to regard the incident as a great compliment... I am a little proud that my efforts to protect freedom, and to extend it to those behind the Iron Curtain, were noticed.
феноменальная, образцовая мразь
вот уж действительно, "It would have been a better world without Teller"
1) пытался вычеркнуть из истории соавтора H-бомбы Станислава Улама;
2) был одним из инициаторов процесса над Оппегеймером и дал против него показания на суде;
3) в качестве основного армейского лоббиста наделал много гадостей и фактически продлил Холодную войну;
4) продавливал (но, к счастью, недодавил) проекты вроде Operation Plowshare и Project Chariot.
В общем, был не только глубоко непорядочным и подлым человеком, но и, как сказал Исидор Айзек Раби, "a danger to all that's important."
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