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softbluebuddy July 18 2008, 08:26:58 UTC
I'm Mrs. Hello Kitty. Let me in dammit! LOL


schnute23 July 18 2008, 15:32:02 UTC
LOL get your porny ass over here and make yourself a home ;)



softbluebuddy July 18 2008, 15:55:00 UTC
I'll just take up this little spot over here. :)

Baby, nobody ever told me I had a porny ass before. But, I kind of like it. A lot.


schnute23 July 18 2008, 16:49:11 UTC
*brings you a pillow and some Tequila*

Well, we met in Vinces very porny comments and the first thing I thought about when I read your name was Kitty-porn ... so .. err.. *cough* But maybe this isn't the right thing to say in a welcome-post LMAO. ;)



softbluebuddy July 18 2008, 19:46:44 UTC
But maybe this isn't the right thing to say in a welcome-post LMAO. ;)

No, seriously, please do. Because there was something else you said in Vince's comments that killed me, dead.

You said something like, "You are the writer of Hello Kitty..."

Seriously, no one has ever called me a writer before either. It almost made a tear come out of my eye. Hell, I got all emo like Sammy, or Dean when he is doing the one perfect tear.


schnute23 July 18 2008, 21:22:19 UTC
But ... *is confused* that's what you are , right ? A writer ... I didn't say something wrong ? *teary eyes*


softbluebuddy July 18 2008, 21:32:48 UTC
No, it wasn't wrong at all.

The first thing that I ever posted in my own journal was the very first Hello Kitty, because my friend virtualpersonal encouraged me to try writing, something, anything. I love her.

But that was on April 3, 08; So yeah, I'm a writer, but have only been doing it for less than 4 months, so when you actually acknowledged that I am a writer for something that I enjoy so much but am so new at, it really made me emo.


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