Nov 21, 2005 17:31
My brother got married! After being together with his GF for 18 years, they've finally decided to get married. And they didn't tell anyone until it was done, not even our parents! I got the news by finding an email with wedding pictures in the inbox at the weekend (the wedding was one week ago) and the promise to tell us more when we'll meet at Christmas.
And promptly my mother called and asked whether Hubby and I feel like imitating. Instead of answering, we pointed out the fact that we haven't been together for 18 years yet...
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I got a recipe for soy bread from a diabetic newsgroup, where everyone praised it to the skies (and because it contains almost no carbs, you wouldn't need insulin for it). So I tried it out on Saturday, but I didn't like it. I don't think that eggs and sour cream should belong into bread dough, especially because the soy flour and the oil made it fatty enough already. The result was heavy dough that didn't go up (but then I wonder what the yeast should eat when there was neither sugar nor starch). After baking, I got a strange tasting hunk, which reminded me more of an unsuccessful attempt at a cake than bread. And you could kill a duck by throwing the bread at the bird...
Perhaps I did something wrong, but I don't think I was so far off that doing everything right would change a lot and make it fit my taste. So I'll keep eating ordinary, but delicious bread that my baker around the corner or my bread-o-mat in the kitchen make just perfectly.
But what should I do with the rest of the soy flour?