And another picspam! This one is for my dear friend
stina_x who mentioned her current obsession with Royd Tolkien. And since there was quite some squeeing over him on the German side of my flist ever after his appearance at RingCon, I thought I'd just post these pictures here... just in case anyone else is interested :)
Admittedly ORC!Royd may seems a little less exciting than RingCon!Royd (from what I've seen), but he's still quite cute. And to make my point in an ongoing discussion of "with or without beard?", I've added some pictures of beardless Sandro.. who, at the time, caused quite a stir with fans similar to what Royd seemed to have done at RingCon.
Ok ok, enough rambling, on to the pics!
40+ behind the cut, not dial-up friendly. For most of these, credit goes to
rosamundeb. The rest I really can't remember where they originally came from... so if they're yours let me know and I'll credit you/take them down.
Enjoy :)
*click for full-size picture*
the infamous kneefall(s) ;)
I love this look on Jorn Benzon's face. As if he's going OMG, I can't believe they're doing that! ;D
Ok, since he was in fact partaking in that craziness, maybe it's more like a I can't belive we did that moment ;)
Teh slash craziness is too much for poor Jorn ;D
What's up with Jarl gazing longingly at Sandro like that? ;)
Oh, and there might be more picspams later tonight... somehow today that seems to be the only thing my brain is good for today ^_^;