I have done a little friends cut. If we don't talk much (or at all), I've probably cut you. I've changed over the last few months quite a lot and I also have other fandoms as back then and well, if you only talk about your fandom in your LJ I've probably cut you as well. I hope no one thinks I dislike them - because I have never disliked any of my LJ friends - but there comes a time when we simply aren't connecting anymore. I wish you all the best. I think it works better with a few friends who stand behind me than with many friends who aren't interested in my entries and everything else.
I would also appreciate if anyone I have unfriended would unfriend me in return.
If you think my decision was wrong, please send me a PM and then we can discuss it. I'm sorry I didn't warn anyone, but I think it is for the best.
I've done another friends cut on February 9, 2010. The reasons are those written above... I just don't see a reason in keeping people that haven't updated for months and/or commented/shown interest for months. Sorry.