Apr 03, 2006 23:18
i hardly ever update anymore, i only come on here to check abi's posts and laugh at stoo's.
but thats ok! at least i do that!
hmm well... i'm going to see abi tomorrow so that shall be fun.
its easter and i have a serious amount of work to do. i made mother spend £50 on my art things today - i feel so bad :|
but for those of you that are interested i'm going to Reading University next year to study Fine Art!
i need to get...... EE.
i am predicted AAB.
so technically, i'm already in.
why am i still at school/working you ask? cuz if everything goes wrong i have some decent A levels! & plus, im not letting all this work at school for the past however many years go to waste.
speaking of Reading - sarah just bought me a festival ticket for the weekend and a coach ticket up there - £162, aghghghgh i need a job!
i hate indie, but there are some promising bands on such as Placebo, Muse, MCR and Pearl Jam - BRING THE METAL please.
i want to go to download but i have an exam on the monday... and tuesday after it. so hopefully i can go for the friday or something. that fucking sucks i tell ye. but i guess there is always next year.
boys are so damn confusing and love is so complicated - why? i wish it was as simple as 'no lies, just love' you get me?
ah, i love bright eyes.
buy me their old albums please someone! i have NO money. ok i have some. £3 in my purse and £50 to last me through easter to the end of the month. how>?!?!!
get a job?
i've applied to like, a million.
my friend got a job at paradise wildlife park. he has to dress up in a bunny suit and operate the train and rides and stuff. apparently he was chatting up the rabbit food girl all day - i wonder if he was successful, taking into account his attire.
ah ha ha. i don't want that job thanks.
anyone wanna employ me during the summer?
bye! x