crying for you>
Well, its 2:54 in the afternoon and I am bored.
Its soon to be a Friday night so if anyone would like to do something, call me.
Blah blah tipical day. But that night I went to the mall. My dad took forever so I was late and then I couldn't find my friends and my dad was being a jackass. But I found them. We chilled. They went on the marry-go-round but I only had 2 20 dollar bills so I chilled with Lauren as she ate her chinese food. It was fun. I made Lyl out of a chinese food boxything. I chilled with Kristin most of the time and she danced around the mall getting weird looks. Then we pretended to be a rich person (that was me) and she was a poor person. I had an accent haha that slowly turned to different accents. I got the dashboard cd and all in all it was good.