May 26, 2009 20:38
I've always been a very vivid dreamer. Sometimes it's as if the dreams themselves are more real than what I see when I'm awake. Aside from just being, well, generally awesome, this is very convenient when it comes to my writing. Every story idea I've ever had basically came from a dream I had with a few notable exceptions (ironically, those exceptions are the only pieces I ever finished.)
Last night I had an interesting dream that I think would make a cool premise to a story. It's been something I've been thinking about all day. People say that dreams are a way to sort through what happened during your day, that you replay things that have to do with what you read, watched, did, etc.
Then where do all the weird dreams I have come from? Most of them have jack-all to do with my day. Sure, I have a few mundane ones from time to time. But most are exotic and beautiful, strange and exciting. They almost never have anything to do with my life or anyone I know. I can't even say they're influenced by what I read, because that would be recognizable. "Oh hey, I just dreamed about bathing in scorpions of fire after reading a book that has fire scorpions."
I've always wondered if there was more to dreaming than we understand. If there are other realities that our brain can only comprehend when in a suspended state. Or, if certain truths are only able to be acknowledged with the time when you sleep. Iono, but that's what's on my mind.