I have terrible timing. Tomorrow I'm leaving to visit my grandparents for a few days, before my summer ticket runs out; it's not for long but why not take the chance to see them when I can (and don't even have to pay for it.) However, the day before yesterday I read a fic I saw recced on pinboard, then I looked up the canon on wikipedia, and now I've started watching "Nirvana in Fire" and I don't want to stop. I most likely won't have time while I'm at my grandparents' though, very annoying.
"Nirvana in Fire" is a revenge drama taking place in fictional Imperial China, and it's so good. Plots and conspiracies and politics and court intrigues, fantastic identity porn with bonus loyalty kink, great characters, competent characters, and so much more. I've just finished episode 12 (of 54)
and oh my god Nihuang figured it out and formerly-Lin Shu confirmed it and they hugged, asleifjslkfjsd it was so good.
D&D yesterday: we finally entered the haunted library! There was a big fight with many minions and three of our NPC allies died, including the Lawful Good demon. (The other two will come back to life sans body, probably, eventually, it's complicated. Fortunately we weren't too attached to them.) Twice I managed to hit 6-8 bad guys at the same with an area spell and do 20/21 points damage, that was frustrating because they had 22 hit points. Oh well, everybody from the main party survived. Barely, but survived. Actually my character was doing pretty well: Fly is a great spell. Even my beetle familiar managed to kill a few bad guys.
Next time will probably be mostly information gathering in the library. There should be so much information there :) Other parties get rewarded with money or magical items, we get information, and hopefully spells.
Crossposted from
comments there.