I'm currently catching up on Doctor Who season 8. I saw 8x01 "Deep Breath" a while ago, and then "Into the Dalek," but I wasn't too impressed. In hindsight I think I was still disappointed by the 50th anniversary special.
"Robot of Sherwood" was fun, "Listen" was okay, and I enjoyed "Time Heist." I'm starting to like this Doctor: he has a great evil face. And I want to like Clara, but I'm not quite there yet. She's socially awkward in a way that I don't find particularly likable, and I'm not convinced yet that she's a good teacher. She might be! Do we know children of which age she teaches?
A minor thing, in "Time Heist" Saibra says that she's alone because nobody trusts her because she has their face when they touch. I assume she's exaggerating? Because she could just touch people with gloves. Not the first relationship I've seen where touch is impossible, and here it wouldn't even be harmful. Idk why, it just bugged me a bit.
They have a hacker on speed dial now, that must be useful :)
The bank seemed very human-specific, did they say it was? It must be.
It seems to me like the show can't quite decide how seriously it wants to take itself. Sometimes it looks like the parts don't fit together quite right. Or maybe it's that it tries to be too serious. I'll see how it goes, and ymmv, of course.
For the
December meme, a question by
marginaliana: what one thing would you most like to do in your life that you think is impossible to achieve for whatever reason (financial, laws of physics, etc.)?
The first thing I thought about was flight. Then space travel. Then magic, and travelling to different worlds.
What I would like to be able to do is to visit anyone I want anytime I want. No worries about money, or time: a teleporter would be perfect. I could do so many things, meet so many people, see so many places...
But that's not a thing. Hm. Many things that come to mind are things I could theoretically do, it would just take more effort than I'm prepared to invest, so I'm not too broken up about it.
Let's go with spaceflight! Even if (when) we have space tourism in the future I probably won't be able to afford it. Being in space must be an amazing adventure.
Crossposted from
comments there.