Sep 02, 2007 08:43
we had a garage sale this weekend. on friday came in a young mom, about my age, with a 5-year-old son. she was tall and very thin, with a tight rolling stones t-shirt, jeans and high-heels (a peeve of mine, tbh) a belt thrown around her hips, not through her belt loops, and one of those shaggy-but-stylish hairstyles.
"is your name Adrienne?" she asked
"do you remember me?"
*thinks really hard...* "no?"
"I'm Chris Dyra!"
oohh. only my BEST FRIEND from 5th and 6th grade. yeah, I remembered her.. no wonder I didn't recognize her, though. remember that description I gave above? well.. back when I knew her, she was very much.. not.. skinny. at all. I was there with her when kids at the park that she didn't even know picked on her weight, and I was there when she ran away to cry about it. I'm glad for her sake she's past it all.
of course I'm a dolt and couldn't think of anything to say.. mostly we just talked about our kids a bit then she left.
and as she walked off, I totally recognized her gait.
old friends,