Jul 04, 2008 00:09
I've neglected livejournal for a long time (note: I'm not saying I'm going to STOP neglecting it, I just thought I'd let you all know I realize it). So, a quick update about me....
I quit my day-job and am working full time at the kick-ass bar/venue I've been working part-time at now for a year. I'm now here at least 6 nights a week in all conceivable capacities: Door, Bar-backing, Bar-tending, and now MANAGING. I'm currently in the brief process of becoming a Vampire. Think of your schedule, replace the AMs with PMs, and vis-versa, and that's my schedule. So far I love it. I don't dread going to work. I make comparable money (a slight pay-cut, but well worth it). All my friends are here, and it's way better for my social life than working in an office with one other person.
And, next week my cousin in NY is getting married and everyone will be there- my folks and brother, along with my sister-in-law and my nephew, from Seattle; my brother from Edinburgh; my sister from Panama; and all my NY family. I'm looking forward to getting everyone together for the first time in years, and for the first time for a happy reason in far, far too long.
I think I might make it back to Seattle in the late fall or winter, I'll keep you all updated.
- Steve
P.S. - I shaved my head, too. cool looking.