Cherry Cheesecake with Streusel blanket

Aug 21, 2007 18:10


350g all purpose flour
100g + 150g granulated sugar
2 packets vanilla sugar
150g cold + 125g softened butter
4 eggs size M
750g famer's cheese (quark)
250g mascarpone
90g fine semolina
150g sour cherry preserves


Grease a cake form with removable bottom (26 cm dia) with butter and sprinkle with a bit of sugar. Mix flour, 100g sugar, 1 packet vanilla sugar, 1 pinch of salt and 150g butter cut up in small pieces together, until small pea-sized pieces form (streusel), set aside in a refridgerator.

Mix 125g butter, 150g sugar, 1 packet of vanilla sugar and 1 pinch of salt together in a mixer with a paddle attachment until creamy. Add eggs gradually, mixing well after each addition. Add cheese, mascarpone and semolina, and mix until well combined and smooth.

Put half of the streusel mixyure in the cake form and press to the bottom and a bit on the sides to form a crust. Spread cherry preserves on the bottom, leaving about 1 - 2 cm free around the side of the form. Pour in the cheese mixture, smooth the surface, and spread the remaining streusel on top evenly.

Bake in a preheated oven (el. oven 200C, convection 175C, gas mark 3) for about 60 - 70 minutes. During the baking time, if the top starts to get too brown, cover with aluminum foil at the 45 minute mark.

Remove from oven, run a knife around the edge of the cake, and let cool off completely, before removing from the form. Best tastes chilled.

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