Leave me a comment and I will reply with why I like you. If I don't know you, I'll either make something up or tell you why I like your LiveJournal. You must pay for the privilege by posting a message like this one on your LiveJournal.
Also, I have a chibi Jenka icon! ^_^ Art by
I enjoy reading your news on the garden and such. I guess I do have more than one person who posts RL things after all, orz.
I love the way you play Zeetha. I think I already expanded on this somewhere else, didn't I? She's... very real. Fits the canon, but you're adding such a lot to her. Skifander culture, the whole mommy/daddy thing (lol!), warrior!crush on L, and so on. She has so many different aspects.
Oh, and you get a whole other &hearts for your conversation with Cy on her "OMG stop spamming me I'll kill you" post. I laughed and laughed and laughed. XDDD
And your Cy-stalking with the new journal, and the fact that you have a Rangiku muse. I'm running into you a lot more now that I've friended a bunch of the TST people, and it's fun!
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