short silly Jenka ficlet: "Grounded"

Jan 25, 2009 01:59

Short and silly, but it wouldn't get out of my head. Jagers are just so funny!!
The story is a litte more detail on an incident mentioned in my Jenka TST application:
"If ve doesn't stop zomvere soon, Hy iz goink to haff to get drunk, and dot iz not goink be pretty. Last time dot happened, Hy forgot Hy vas supposed to be all sveet und nonthreatenink, und Hy got in a barfight und killed everyvun. Und General Zog vas mad at me, vhich vas verra unpleasant."

Title: Grounded
Characters: Jenka, General Zog, other Jagers
Warnings: Jagers...
Wordcount: 200

The Jager regiment approaches the small village marked as friendly on the map, looking forward to food and rest. They sent their scout ahead, to talk to the villagers and make sure everything was prepared. But when they get closer, they find the whole place quiet and empty, except for several corpses scattered around the square.
General Zog clearly isn't happy with this development.
"Jeeeenkaaaaaaaa! Vot in Gott's name did hyu DO??"
"Dere vas a... barfight, sir."
"Yah, Hy can SEE dat."
He glares at her silently for a moment.
"De Master said ve vasn't supposed to antagonize de pipple around here. Hy tink he meant ve vasn't supposed to KILL dem, eider! Ven ve gets beck home, hyu iz GROUNDED for a MONTH!!"

A few months later, back at the Castle: Jenka glares around the courtyard murderously, but can't do anything more - she's buried in the ground up to her neck. She looks bedraggled and miserable. "Hy iz THIRSTY, dammit!!" A few of her friends eating their breakfast nearby laugh uproariously. A passing recruit playfully kicks her in the teeth, making her grunt in pain and spit blood.
Being grounded in the Jager army is very unpleasant, indeed.

fanfic, jagers, jenka, funny

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