meme: I Am Fucking Awesome

Apr 24, 2010 15:40

Meme from momijizukamori, based on this thread over at Shapely Prose: Your mission: go forth and post telling us how fucking awesome you are, and all the fucking awesome shit you can do. And we in turn will look at it and not think of it as rampant narcissism or egotism of any of that shit. We will look at it and go 'wow, my friends are some pretty fucking awesome people.' And you will go, and tell them that they, too, should tell the internet how fucking awesome they are. And you can copy and paste this or whatever.

I'm Nika fucking Patena, and I am fucking awesome. I came to the US by myself at 18, a few days after 9/11, stayed, and I'm doing very well. I graduated from fucking Caltech with honors and two majors, and was the Dean's example of why students should be allowed to overload on classes. When my husband fell in love with another woman, I smiled at him and told him to go, because people should be free. I run a Linux laptop with heavily customized fvwm, do damn near everything in terminals, and have my own syntax highlighting for text files. I can program in a bunch of languages, none of which I took classes on. I'm extremely good at abstract thinking, and can do fantastic work under a short deadline. I can make and design ridiculously complicated bobbin lace pieces, and who cares if it's a girly hobby. I can ski double-black-diamond slopes, hike all day like nobody's business, climb anything you put in front of me, and you really don't want to try ambushing me in a dark alley. I literally laugh at pain. I'm self-sufficient, realistic, and make sense.

Now go do this meme, people.

feminism, personality, awesome, thinking, meme

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