I've just bought a new CPU from ebay.co.uk. The seller's description of the item doesn't mention that the CPU heatspreader plate has a series of letters and numbers scratched into it. I've attached an image to this post so you can see what I mean. It looks like someone at some stage has written something on the chip as an identifying mark, in red biro (the cross bar on the "A" seems to be coloured red). The biro has scratched into the spreader heavily enough that I can see and feel the marks (running fingernail across the surface).
Don't know if I should send it back to the seller and ask for my money back since I wasn't aware of this at point of sale. Should I live with it, relying on the size of the heatspreader and a layer of Arctic Silver to negate any ill effects?
CPU is an Opteron 185 Skt 939.