Amensty: One Line + One Extra

May 30, 2011 18:48

Author: saone77
Fandoms: DC Comics, The Losers (movie 'verse), SPN RPS
Schmoop: soulmates, wine, cooking together, holiday - different traditions, New Year celebration, cuddling - hypothermia

Title: Fate
Prompt: soulmates
Medium: fic
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Do you believe? (Dick/Tim)

Title: Apple Wine
Prompt: wine
Medium: fic
Fandom: SPN RPS
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: A little misdirection can mean a sweet ending. (J2)

Title: Pre-heat
Prompt: cooking together
Medium: fic
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Even superheros get cravings. (Clark/Dick)

Title: Bah Humbug
Prompt: holiday - different traditions
Medium: fic
Fandom: SPN RPS
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: A Killer Romance timestamp. The first Christmas as a couple always has a few - or a lot - of speedbumps. (J2 AU)

Title: Fireworks
Prompt: New Year celebration
Medium: fic
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Just another New Years in Gotham. (Dick/Tim)

Title: Fridgid
Prompt: cuddling - hypothermia
Medium: fic
Fandom: The Losers
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: What, people from New Hampshire can't have thin blood? (Jensen/Cougar)

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