Progress report

Jan 18, 2009 16:23

13 weeks 0 days
weight gain: 12 pounds
"morning sickness": the worst misnomer ever

I've officially graduated from my first trimester. I've been hoping that the tiredness and nausea would give up like all the books say they should. So far, though, not a lot of luck on that front. I have days occasionally now where I go for almost a whole day without feeling like I'm going to hurl, but those are infrequent. This is much worse than either of my two previous full term pregnancies were.

Despite the ick I've still managed to put on a decent chunk of weight. I eat ALL THE TIME, not so much because I'm hungry but because I'm taking to heart the recommendations from my MFM specialists. They really want to see me gain 25 pounds by 20 weeks. Not sure I'm going to get there, exactly, but I'm giving it the old college try. I never thought I'd get sick of Ben and Jerry's, but I am.

The reason for the weight gain recommendations is that multiples are often born very small, both due to earlier than normal births as well as less than optimal maternal weight gain. Part of that is that it's hard to gain weight in the third trimester when you've got two babies taking up all the space in your abdomen. Overall, I am trying to gain enough that we have big healthy twins, with the ultimate goal of not ever visiting the Level III NICU at Swedish. Still, I can't help feeling like a gigantic pig. It doesn't help that I'm huge already and everything I wear mostly makes me feel fat rather than beautiful and pregnant and glowing and all that stuff.

I've been having some of the most bizarre, vivid pregnancy dreams lately. Oddly, several of them have featured my mom, who died five years ago. In my dreams, she's alive and just part of my world - like for example I dreamed that we were getting ready to go to the inauguration. Well, I guess that's not really part of my normal world, but you get the idea.

I went shopping today to try to find some tops I'd like. Not too much luck on that front. I just look fat in everything. I was also dismayed to find that I can't even fit in a D-cup bra at the moment. I desperately need some new bras but I don't even know where to go at this point. I spose a Nordstrom visit will probably be in my very near future; I was hoping to get away with some cheap Target bras though since this isn't exactly a permanent condition.

In other news, I told my boss about the pregnancy on Friday. She was genuinely delighted. I knew she would be, and that she'd be supportive of me, but I didn't want to tell her earlier due to the complications going on. She commented later on that she couldn't believe I'd held it in this long. I didn't mention that that isn't really all that unusual for me. I'm not big on sharing all the little and big dramas facing me with everyone around me, which makes it hard when I really do need support.

Next visit with the MFM is Wednesday. I have a list of things a mile long to discuss with them - my blood pressure, the Braxton-Hicks contractions I'm already feeling, the headache I get every. single. day. at noon that lasts till I go to sleep, whether the shortness of breath I am experiencing is normal, and whether I should be concerned about my breathing patterns during these bizarre and vivid dreams. (William actually woke me up the other night because I was breathing so erratically.)

So there you go, consider yourself updated!


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