Lost finale ramblings.

May 24, 2010 11:11

so I feel utterly hungover this morning despite not drinking a thing last night besides water. I do not ever remember crying over any TV show and its ending as much as I did for Lost last night.

Anyway the rest under a cut. I need to see the whole thing again!!

I thought it was a perfect ending to the show and the story was told imo the way the writers wanted to tell it without having to drag it out to fill more seasons. I wish other shows would do this, I really wish X-Files did that instead of dragging out two more seasons that were eh.

The whole of Lost, for me, ended up being mostly Jack's story, about his journey and ending. How he had to learn to let go and accept that sometimes things do happen and are set in stone to happen no matter what you want. It was also about still having free will despite being pushed towards that fate.

The island was real for all of them, it happened, that was RL and they were alive and some died there.
The Sideways reality was the afterlife. Some died before Jack and some died long after and it was the core group who were family to each other.

Did I mention I cried through most of the eppy? The reunions between Sayid/Shannon (Yay!!!!! My OTP!!) had me, then when Charlie broke down after remembering Claire. (tearing up right now!) and Sawyer/Juliet. Jin and Sun remembering everything including English. lol. It was all so good and made sense in hindsight. (Claire having the symbolic Aaron in 2 minutes.)

The island was the plug to hell. I think it was Jacob that said it was stopping what we call hell from spilling out on earth. It was a magic place that needed protecting from ever sinking and it was perfect that Hurley ended up being its guardian.

Oh and the Sideways/Afterlife it seemed people were living the lives they wanted when alive or punishing themselves for what things they did. (Sayid seeing Nadia married to his brother, might not have been the real Nadia btw, and being a killer until he reunited with his other love Shannon. Locke still in his wheelchair though he was with Helen then.)

The Michael/Walt thing seems to be coming up a lot. Ghost!Michael talked to Hurley earlier this season and said he was stuck on the island along with others, that is what the whispers are. Ghosts of people stuck. (I wonder if Nikki and Paulo are stuck there too. lol.)
Anyway Jack, I think, visited Walt during the season they were off the island. Walt was living with his grandmother and I am sure grew up and had a kickass life and when he died had his own family of peeps he wanted to go on to the light with.

Oh and as I stated above I think that some of the people weren't real of course, Jack and Juliet's son and Baby Aaron. In regards to Baby Aaron it represented a time on the island when Claire and Charlie fell in love with each other before his death. Aaron grew up and again had his own peeps waiting for him.

I loved that Danielle and Alexandra were together there with Ben as a teacher and "father figure". Ben not going into the church really was sad and made sense. He had done some terrible things in his life and killed even though he changed by the of the show and ended up helping Hurley. Also I don't think he was ready to leave Alex yet.

The same for Daniel and his mom, Eloise being afraid that he would go with Desmond. She knew where she was and it seem she didn't want it to change. Also Daniel needed to reunite with Charlotte! Miles also was close to his dad there where he wasn't in life.

(and seeing Rose and Bernard in the church! I know they lived their lives out on the island and after all that I like to think Hurley stopped by every once in a while for dinner.)

Oh and the church were everyone was waiting including Jack's dad for Jack to show up, that was awesome. It had symbols and statues from every single major religion in the world, meaning it matters not what you believe in just that you believe.

Jack's death killed me, in a good way though. I was ok with him stumbling through the bamboo after he put the plug back in, and collapsing in the same place he woke up in the pilot. Oh it was perfect. I started crying when Vincent laid down next to him as he passed.
Just the whole thing satisfied me.

I think I will spend my summer rewatching the whole series while the horde are off with their friends and activities. There are a lot of unanswered questions but then those things unexplained might be how Jacob wanted things and Ben did tell Hurley he could do things the way he wanted them now. Hurley liked helping and people. :)

It ended the way Lost should end and as always made one think and leaving things answered. (Where did the plane with the pallets of Dharma food come from? and how did they find the island? Jacob?)
One of my all time fave shows and thank God for DVDs.


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