May 05, 2009 09:25
So this morning I was greeted by a Grey Kitty (that would be Thunder) at the back patio door with breakfast. He had a dead chipmunk in his mouth and seriously wanted me to let him in with said dead animal. I would not let him in, so Thunder then proceeded to play with the dead thing for about 10 minutes on the patio.
He then came in with tail straight in the air leaving his offering outside.
oy. lol.
I am getting my hair done at my hairdresser/friend's house today since her babysitter fell through. I am a bit anxious about this, I am not one to like going to a strange house. It is an issue I have and will get over it but feeling a bit anxious right now.
Also this driver for Blake Transport is an idiot and can't seem to back up to one of our two docks out front. He is a driver I have not seen before. Another Oy.
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